Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Red Bull Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Red Bull - Essay Example â€Å"Diversified companies have broader missions and business definitions than single-business enterprises. The entrepreneurial challenge in developing a strategic vision is to think creatively about how to prepare a company for the future† (Manage, 2003). This preparation for the future, above all, needs to be based on realities rather than just dreaming. #2 Red Bull has not bought out any other successful products, other than Red Bull and its diet incarnation. In terms of explaining why not, one can look to the case’s presentation of the discovery (much the same way America was so-called discovered, with other people living there) of Red Bull’s unique flavor. â€Å"Mateschitz, international marketing director for Blendax, a German toothpaste producer, encountered Krating Daeng, a tonic syrup that Red Bull Beverage Company had been marketing in Thailand for years† (Red, 2009). This was one, rather than a group, of tasty Thai tonic syrups; as a result, Red Bull has one beverage which has been strikingly successful; the company does not presently even need a more diverse product base, although it certainly will in the future. #3 In terms of the reasons for a high degree of customer loyalty at Red Bull, one can go through the Marketing Mix of price, product, promotion, and placement. Internally, some companies have strict and transparent controls, while others may not. While the focus in general is on the effectiveness of internal controls, the specific components of internal control are by no means consistent across all energy drink companies. Pricing can be differentiated to segments, with premium pricing being established for Red Bull. Placement has been mentioned in the case, in terms of grass-roots marketing as well as other channels. Ultimately, the company employs product positioning along lines of customer segmentation to reach groups who are

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Evaluating, Narrating, and Describing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluating, Narrating, and Describing - Essay Example This story has been written in such a way that it is likely to cause mixed feelings among the targeted readers. The story vividly describes the perceptions held by different people about the role of the wife in their lives. Feminists are likely to view this story from a negative perspective since it stereotypes the role of wives as child minders as well as responsible for taking care of the family. the author states that she wants a so that she can go back to school to acquire knowledge which in turn can empower her economically when she gets a well paying job. In different patriarchal societies, men believe that only men should be gainfully employed and the wives should concentrate on performing different household chores. Wives should be dependent on their husbands for any financial needs and they should stay at home in order to take care for the kids. The author states that: â€Å"I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep track of the children’s doct or and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean,† (1). This shows that wives are often viewed as solely responsible for performing household tasks as mentioned above. The author also suggests that a wife should submit herself under her husband and she should do anything desired by him. This is reflected in the following statement: â€Å"I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties,† (2). From this statement, it can be seen that a wife is supposed to obey the commands of the husband and she should not complain about her duties. In other words, the author is trying to portray wives as objects of their male counterparts. The author also states that a wife has a duty to satisfy the sexual desires of her husband whenever he feels like having sexual intercourse with her. This is shown in the following statement: â€Å"I want a wife who is sensitiv e to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied,† (2). A close analysis of this statement shows that wives are often treated as sexual objects and they should abide by the sexual demands of their husbands under whatever condition. The author further states that she wants a wife who will not demand sex from the husband even if she feels like doing it. In other words, the wife is portrayed as a person who does not have feelings but just a sexual object. The author also portrays the husband as someone who has the right to engage in extra marital affairs whenever he finds someone appealing than his wife. This shows the extent to which wives are treated in some sections of the society across the globe. This story is likely to strongly appeal to the emotions of women who are forced to view themselves as being relegated to lower levels in the society in a negative way. Feminists and rights activists a re likely to criticise this story in strong and harsh terms since they advocate for equality between men and women. Feminists in different parts of the world argue that there should be equality between men and women and they should also be given equal employment opportunities just like their male counterparts. This would emancipate them so that they would not solely depend on their husbands for survival. Rights activists argue that women should also be economically empowered so that they can also independently make their own