Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays

Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Sometimes universities and state colleges will attract high school graduates across state lines because certain schools better fit their personal academic plan, but the fearsome out-of-state tuition often repels a large chunk of student population who cannot afford the raised tuition price. Out of state tuition is more expensive because in-state residents fund state colleges through annual taxes, while non-residents do not. Out-of-state tuition should be lowered to help give all students more equal opportunities to attend a certain college of their choice, regardless of being a resident or not. Elevated tuition rates for non-residents could negatively affect both the school and its potential student opportunities High out-of-state tuition often can greatly hinder opportunities of graduating students that are seeking higher education. When a student considers universities they would like to attend, affordability of tuition rates becomes a huge factor in which schools they can go to. Often students have difficulty paying for residential tuition ND are forced to rely on student loans, financial aid, and scholarships. Occasionally, scholarships are the only components keeping some students on the track to higher education. Sometimes graduating high school students seek education out of their home state based on different factors; to find a better school elsewhere that better fits their needs, weather, population of city or town, crime rate, availability of public transportation, plans of where to live after graduation, and sometimes simply Just to get out of their home town. In a chart constructed by the U. S. Department of Education, the average differences of total residential and non-residential tuition costs between 2008 2010 are roughly a colossal $12,000, strictly from crossing over state lines (ONCE). With the exception of scholarships, being able to afford this much of a difference can be quite difficult for students and parents. Unfortunately, high prices like this could prevent a severe amount of people from attending a university out of their home state, possibly being detrimental to the future of graduating high school students. Sadly, tuition cost loud even prevent students from continuing education after high school. High out-of-state tuition costs could also leave students immersed in debt with loans and financial aid. Graduates of a university dont always immediately find a well-supporting Job, so debt can be become very difficult to pay off over time. With other expenses such as food, rental payments, car repairs and/or transportation, and other necessities, debt can leave a graduate broke and in desperate need of income to pay off what they owe. Not only does increased out-of-state tuition negatively affect students, but universities, private colleges, and even the state itself, too. Because high tuition could prevent non-residential students from attending a certain college, that school will have less students. This nears that there will be empty seats in the classroom and empty beds in dorms. When there are empty spaces anywhere at a college, the school is losing a significant volume of revenue for every student that does not attend their classes. Ultimately, this can cause a ripple effect where the school either needs to raise In-state talons, or rely even more on tax revenue Trot ten state, or else teen ill lose money, need to lower income of teachers, and reduce the quality of the school. In some cases across the U. S. The state has more public colleges and universities than its population can support. This also happens within declining college towns. When a state or town cannot support the colleges that reside within it, the college can do two things to stay afloat; increase tuition, or receive more taxes from the state, which is hard to achieve with recent educational budget cuts that are spreading across the country. This is another case of a ripple effect, where the population of th e own and surrounding areas will suffer because there are fewer students to move into town during school and after graduating. As a nation, we need more college graduates in order to stay competitive in the global economy, but if the costs keep on rising, especially at a time when family incomes are hurting, college will become increasingly unaffordable for the middle class. Education secretary Earn Duncan (Armor). As Duncan explains, high tuition prices can become prohibitively expensive for families and it will affect the economy dearly. Though lowering tuition seems like a great idea, raising state tuition is beneficial to the state and some say students are willing to pay what they believe their education is worth. Tuition elevated to a reasonable value could generate millions of dollars for the school; money that could be used to offset maintenance costs, raise employee income, and expand the university. At Kansas universities, tuition is $2,000 less for undergraduate students, as opposed to similar colleges around the country. If the out-of-state tuition was raised to the national average cost, the state could reduce up to $33 million more than usual (Carlson). Analyzing data is tricky to calculate when deciding appropriate tuition rates. Sometimes a raised tuition is necessary for certain colleges, but not most. Raised tuition for a college that does not necessarily prove to be worth it could cause even more students to be unable to attend that college, forcing the school to rely heavily on the students that do pay the higher price. Some will argue that out-of-state tuition should not be lowered because non- residents do not pay state taxes that support that school. Out-of-state tuition is meant to make up for all the lost tax revenue from non-residents that can greatly help fund the school. Families contribute state taxes to provide for surrounding colleges within state lines, so state colleges always have a way to receive funding, whether from out-of- state tuition or state resident taxes. Though there is a way for non-residential students to reduce their tuition based on several factors. It is possible to apply for qualifications to pay in-state tuition depending on location, whether the student lives in a border county, by receiving an athletic waiver, being a senior citizen, having capabilities, or acquiring an apprenticeship.

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