Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Primary Focus Of Educational Psychology - 765 Words

The primary focus of Educational Psychology is learning. When most people think of education, they have a tendency to focus on early childhood, but Educational Psychology focuses on the entire lifespan. Learning is an ongoing process in which development, behaviors and cognition can greatly affect an individual. Ensuring a proper academic foundation is key to aiding on ones developmental success. There are many factors that play into a child’s educational achievement such as pre-natal development, caregiver attachment, culture, household make-up, economics, cognitive ability, and environment to name a few. Several theorists can impact the practices of Educational Psychology, two in particular are Urie Bronfenbrenner and John Bowlby. With either of their theories in mind, looking at the child as an individual is non-existent. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecologial Theory describes development as an interaction between people, physical environment, and genetic make-up. It i s a multi-dimensional model where interactions between the same and different levels attribute to a person’s physiological processes (Broderick Blewitt, 2015, pp. 18-19). â€Å"His ecological theory, and his ability to translate it into operational research models†¦was a critical contribution to the creation of Head Start.† (Ceci, 2006, pp. 173). Taking into consideration Bronfenbrenner’s Theory, it directly impacts the work of Educational Psychology. The ability of a child to be successful in an educationalShow MoreRelatedLearning and Cognition Essay1306 Words   |  6 PagesFoundation for a course Project This paper contains an annotated bibliography for a paper which will serve as the final project for a course on the subject of learning and cognition. The paper for which this bibliography was prepared originally was to focus on whether or not a youth could be conditioned by maltreatment at home resulting in poor social and academic performance at school. The original thought was that removal of a child from an abusive or neglectful home would be an appropriate treatmentRead MoreThe Human Needs And Educational Psychology1234 Words   |  5 Pagesbasic human needs are those needs that are essential for human survival hence fundamental to educational psychology. It goes without saying that human needs should be met first. Air, food, water, shelter and clothing hold the top positions in the ranking of human needs. There is great connectedness between basic human needs and educational psychology. Educational psychology is navigated with one primary motive, to scientifically study human learning and how learning process can be affected by bothRead MoreThe Field Of School Psychology866 Words   |  4 PagesThe field of School Psychology started with the emergence of special education services in the early nineteen hundreds. Professionals were needed to assist with the selection and placement of children within such services. This led to the development of the profession of School Psychologists. However, it did not stop there it continued with Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon creating the â€Å"first practical intelligence test battery, which assessed higher level cognitive skills and produced substantialRead MoreThe Progression And Maturation Of Human Development841 Words   |  4 Pagespsychologists examine the progression and maturation of human development throughout a lifetime (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Additionally, developmental psychologists study how humans are able to acclimate to changes. Traditionally, their roles focus around the various sta ges during childhood and adolescence due in part to the rapid changes experienced during the first stages of life, however they are not limited to those age groups. Undergraduate and graduate degrees typically only containRead MoreMain Features Of Progressive Education1243 Words   |  5 Pagesfamilies mutually. 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Although I decided against going to medical school, psychology remained the primary areaRead MoreEducational Psychology : Teaching And Learning Process758 Words   |  4 PagesEducational Psychology is a division of psychology that works with the education of children, teaching methods, guidance, and the assessment of aptitude and development. The main purpose of educational psychology is to understand and improve the teaching and learning process. Within my classroom, I encounter dialect differences on a daily basis. I am exposed to a southern dialect in my classroom. As a teacher, I must be sensitive to the difference in those students’ dialects. I could also ensureRead MoreSir Ken Robinson s Ted Talk : Do Schools Kill Creativity?972 Words   |  4 Pageshow today’s educational system is still based off of the original factory industrialized model of education created in the Industrial age. ( Robinson, 2006) During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century the Industrial age fostered the Industrial economy, with this new robust economy, there was a shortage in qualified skilled labor force. (Leland Kasten, 2002) The needs of the Industrial economy spawned the creation of our educational system in America, whose primary focus was to meetRead MoreResearch Proposal: The Relationship between School Climate and Students Achievement 1361 Words   |  6 PagesThe underperformance of many students at the primary level of the education system in Jamaica has caused the schools to be placed under the microscope and there has been an intense focus on academic performance of students and the success of primary schools in general. Tied to this underperformance are many problems that are hindering the teaching and learning process, but little focus is placed on the learning environment and therefore the school climate as a critical factor is faded in the backgroundRead MoreAcademic Success Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pagespublic university in the northeastern United States. The participants went through three phases of interviews. The results of his study support the positive relationship between motivati on and students’ academic success in college. He found that two primary goals of college seniors are to get good grades and graduate. They also expressed that these goals motivate their academic efforts during their senior year (Shawn Van Etten, 2008). The seniors reported that if there were no grades they probably

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Cuban Revolution - 1541 Words

Almost every nation in the world has experienced a revolution. A revolution can be simply defined as a change. When a country undergoes a revolution, its ideals that it once believed in are being modified. Sometimes revolutionaries act intellectually, yet others may respond physically through destruction. Some may be peaceful, some short lasting, and some pointless. Historians do argue on identifying whether a revolution has occurred. Revolutions usually follow a rupture in the nations events, are directed by a hero, have an ideology and belief system, and use symbols or tools to get its points across to the people. Cuba and its leader today, Fidel Castro, have their own roots in a revolution that took place only some forty years ago.†¦show more content†¦All revolutionaries except Castro and his family were massacred. Although this rupture failed, Castros movement gained popularity and prestige all over the world. In fact, Castro called the Revolution the 26 of July Movemen t. Castro himself was caught and sentenced to jail for two years. Between 1955 and 1956,brbrCastro went to United States and Mexico looking for supporters and money to fund his revolution. On December 2, 1956, eighty-two men including Castro and the physician Ernesto Che Guevara, set sail once again for the Oriente on their yacht, the Granma. The campaign was doomed from the beginning. Nobody could navigate the boat properly, everybody was seasick, most of the supplies were jettisoned in a storm, and the expedition landed in the wrong place.(Sinclair,15) On one occasion Guevara followed the wrong star to travel North, and on another, his comrade put the only the drink they had, milk, upside down in his pocket. By the end of the day the milk was gone. On December 5 in the battle of Alegrà ­a de Pà ­o, Batistas troops killed all of the rebels except twelve. Among these survivors, coincidentally, were Castro and Guevara.brbrMeanwhile, in the cities and universities, a revolutionary m ovement was also taking place. The Ortodoxo political party favored a violent revolution against Batista. Its leader and University of Havana Professor Rafael Bà ¡rcena organized theShow MoreRelatedCuban Revolution And The Revolution1309 Words   |  6 PagesCuba’s history, the Cuban revolution. The factors that caused the revolution and the main events during changed the lives of Cuba’s people as well as North Americans. Cuba was a poor, uneducated, country controlled by a brutal dictator in 1953. The attack on the Moncoda barracks and other confrontations caused the people of Cuba to react – storming the presidential palace and rioting. Castro and his men were starting to win against Batista’s despite the numbers. After the revolution Fidel Castro tookRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution1264 Words   |  6 Pagesin the years that followed because of the Cuban revolution. The oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power, as well as the branches of creativity, such as painting, music, and dance. Art and its many different forms were heavily influenced by the Cuban Revolution. Artists find inspirations for their worksRead MoreThe Cuban Revolution Of Cuba1670 Words   |  7 Pagesarchitecture. But underneath the surface, was a revolution ready to burst through the Cuban people they just needed the right person to lead them. Cuba at this time was run by a Political Dictator named Fulgencio Batista. Fulgencio Batista was elected President of Cuba between 1940 and 1940. In 1952 Batista declared that constitutional guarantees and the right to strike will be suspended. He became a dictator with absolute power over Cuba. Batista turned the Cuban capital of Havana into one of the largestRead More Cuban Revolution Essay945 Words   |  4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fidel Castro, inspired by Josà © Martà ­ who first dreamt of a Cuban Revolution who died a martyr before he could succeed, wanted to overthrow the corrupt government under Fulgencio Batista. Castro gathered an army of revolutionaries known as the Fidelistas who were driven by nationalism, idealism, patriotism, and the thought of possibly becoming a martyr, a historical glory of Cuba. The result of this revolution in Cuba was an overthrow of the government and the start of a Communist stateRead MoreEssay on The Cuban Revolution773 Words   |  4 Pagestime of the Cuban Revolution was a great deal of turmoil, not just in Cuba but in almost every corner of the world. It was 1945, shortly after the end of World War Two, and the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cuba, in the middle of its own war, was caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the revolution. The result of the revolution left Fidel CastroRead MoreEssay on The Cuban Revolution2746 Words   |  11 Pagesof Power [1952-1959] Marifeli Pà ©rez-Stable looks back at the Cuban Revolution through a sociological lens in her book The Cuban Revolution. Pà ©rez-Stable claims that Cubans held national independence and social justice as goals ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Radical nationalism remained important in Cubans’ view of themselves and their ideals. Thus, Pà ©rez-Stable argues that the origins of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 lie in the independence movement against Spain and the frustrationsRead More The Cuban Revolution Essay3088 Words   |  13 Pagesto â€Å"take by the surprise and capture the Fort Moncada, and take machine guns, tanks, armored trucks, up-to-date rifles and ammunition.† (Huberman 1960: 28) They could then seize radio stations, (Hampsey 2002: 95) and â€Å"They were to announce a revolution based on ‘Creole values,’ (Goldenberg 1965: 151) led by new men ... free of all obstacles with foreign nations and ... of appetites of politicians. They promised welfare and economic prosperity, social justice, respect for other nations, and respectRead MoreEssay about The Cuban Revolution2304 Words   |  10 PagesThey talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America? -- Fidel Castro Introduction During the 1950’s, Cuba was on the brink of revolution. The nation, which had suffered numerous corrupt and oppressive governmental regimes, fell victim to yet another when Fulgencio Batista seized power under a military coup in March of 1952. A cry for a just Cuba, that was economically, politically, and socially free continued to echo throughoutRead MoreEssay on History of the Cuban Revolution1904 Words   |  8 PagesIn cuban history there was many dictatorships. But, Fulgencio Batista lead to rise of communism in Cuba and Fidel Castro. Foreign involvement from United States to control Cuba as economical ally, also Bastia treatment mistreatment towards foreigners from Haitian and Jamaican. The Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro use of guerrilla warfare and the peasant population of Cuba lead to successful revolution. The United States felt threatened about Cuban being 90 miles from florida spifly duringRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1367 Words   |  6 Pagesthe fruition of the Cuban Revolution, and the dramatic shift in power was about to radically alter the country’s political, social and economic course forever. The positive and negative effects of the revolution on the Cuban people, however, as well as the condition of Cuba’s economy pre and post-revolution, is subject to heated debate. Castro’s iron-fisted regime was the introduction of communism into the western hemisphere, and now, over fifty years later, the Cuban Revolution continues to be one

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Guaranteeing its Place in the Global Market

Question: Discuss about the Guaranteeing its Place in the Global Market. Answer: Introduction: The main aim of any organization is ensuring that it accumulates as much profit as it can, therefore, guaranteeing its place in the global market. Due to this, many corporations have come up with methods that can help them stay relevant in the world market. The primary determinant for their stay in the global market environment is the diversity of their management and the methods the human resource management uses to capture the latest trends in the global economy. The hierarchy of the management has the sole responsibility for ensuring that each person in every department undertakes the responsibility placed on him with due diligence. Through this, all the operations of the organization are easily synchronized, and thus profits are bound to be realized. In the case of online businesses, the company has to make sure that it maintains swift and open transactions with their customers. Through this, they will be able to accumulate a wide range of clients across the globe. Customer satis faction guarantees the development of any business entity and thus it is the work of the cooperation to ensure that it maintains a rigid customer base. This prompts the imposition of various schemes that will help advance the client base and seek to capture new markets in the global arena and at the same time selling the brand of the company. Brand marketing has been done by many businesses, and this has worked to their advantage making them penetrate newer global markets than most of their competitors in the same field. As observed, customers react to online business in various ways depending on the way the online business is marketed, advertised or branded (Strauss, 2014). The best example of an online business is the Uber taxi services. The competitive advantage of a product is the major determinant of the quality of the product and its ability to sell itself. When a particular asset has a higher competitive advantage, then it implies it contains an addition of quality which makes it attract a wider consumer base. The most preferred commodity has a set of unique features as perceived by the user and thus gives it an upper hand against other products from other companies competing on the same scale. The competitive advantage is typically viewed, in most cases, as the reason behind brand loyalty thus distinguishing how an individual can prefer one product or service over another. There are many types of competitive advantages the major ones being cost, the product or service differentiation, and the niche strategies. Cost competitiveness is applicable when a particular firm can make proper use of the skilled workforce at its disposal to accumulate profits. The Uber taxi service has been on the forefront in ensuring th at it surpasses all its competitors. The company provides a colossal selection and low prices consequently via retailer strength and the size. This makes them capture a wider customer base that prefers to buy the goods in bulk. The Uber taxi service ensures that they provide cheap and affordable travelling services all around the clock. For the case of product differentiation, the Uber taxi service has to formulate the product in such a way they will be able to capture the market and maintain it. A conventional method that has been applied in this field is product re-engineering. By the use of this approach, the company has been able to cut on the cost and also bring on board a new consumer base depending on the extent of advertisement the company has done. Reengineering primarily entails the redesigning of the product in such a way that new product is an improvement of the previous product. This move aims to make the former consumers become faithful customers while on the other hand making new clients gain interest in the product. The most general company that is associated with this kind of transition is the Apple Company that keeps on sophisticating its products and coming up with electronic gadgets that receive universal acceptance. In online business as observed in Uber Taxi Company, the company can also engage in their service or product reengineering so as to attract a massive customer base. They can do so by either introducing a new delivery method for their clients or by the reduction of the time delivery of the items ordered by the customer. Additionally, this can guarantee that it saves the cost of the transactions for the customers and also the company. A perfect example of service reengineering is seen in Uber Taxi services as well as the airline industry where they have made their services easily accessible online thus one can easily book plane tickets via check-in kiosks and also in the retail supermarkets. Product re-engineering can also be a method of breaking the monotony of always having the same product among the customers. It can be attributed to the fact that when the commodity keeps changing it implies that the company is growing from one level to the other. Technological criticality and increased sophistication suggest that the organization is developing, and the target market is the growing generation which has not being explored. Product or service differentiation is a vital element when addressing customer tastes and differences in the Uber taxi services. When the company begun offering unique and quality services, then it is evident that they have received customers as a result of the quality of the service delivery. In an instance where a particular companys products and services are valuable then it implies that consumer loyalty may come in and thus overshadow the competitive cost advantage in the long run. Therefore, it can be noted the fact that consumers in most instances have a swayed opinion and when all factors are kept constant the quality of the product is of utmost importance. Therefore, it is very hard to maintain an edge in the competitive market based on the pricing of the commodity alone because the consumers may require something more other than the reduced prices alone. Thus through this, the online Uber taxi services has been able to set its status in product differentiation basing on the extent of quality service they offer to the clients. Online businesses should ensure they sell the actual products that they produce just as the Uber taxi service has done. It is advisable not to use counterfeits but instead maintain clarity and originality. The aspect of copying from other brands tends to affect the performance of any brand. As deduced by Kolb (2016), any firm possessing creativity then the users are bound to remain loyal, and the business ends up incurring profits considering the fact they maintain freshness and is well conversant with the changing global economy. Product originality is identified as a major determinant towards the correct branding and advertisement of the product. Thus provided a firm I able to come up as an original entity, it is always the wish of every client to identify himself with the particular brand as its service provider. The perfect example of the global online shopping site is the Amazon which has fast adequate and satisfactory services of all goods that any individual may want to obtain online. They have a sense of originality, just as the one that markets Uber taxi services. Adequacy and time consciousness are frequently appreciated while carrying out online businesses. The clients demand that their services are given earnest consideration, and the response they expect should be paid with the urgency which is required. The faster a particular issue is handled then the more clients will be attracted to the particular firm. Even though the companies may charge low prices, due to the huge number of customers they have to attend to, in the long run, they accumulate more profits and end up earning the customer loyalty. Basing on the finding by Bowie, Paraskevas, Mariussen, (2014), they claim that the consumer behavior is a very unpredictable trend, but when the concise concentration is given in the field then a company can comfortably trace the correct procedure for handling their customer and bringing on board more new clients. One of the major businesses that have flourished in the online marketing platform is the introduction of UBER Taxi services. Shankar Carpenter (2012), in their book, they explore the principles that build products and services delivery in online business. They mainly dwell on advertising as the primary element that can boost the competitive advantage of a particular product and makes it have a strong client base. The mode by which the advertising is carried out will matter whether it will capture the intended market base (Shankar Carpenter, 2012). Uber taxi service advertisements have been diverse and cut across many cultures and states thus guaranteeing it position in the global economy. Additionally, the packaging of the product has also been argued to be another factor that can make a product have a competitive advantage over other products. Well learned scholars, Bloom Gundlach, (2001), concur with the fact that the mode by which a particular product is packaged and designed it can have an enormous competitive advantage over others. In the book, they highlight that just like Giffen goods, an individual can buy a product not because it is a necessity but simply because of the method by which is packaged. The assumption is brought about by the reasoning behind the fact that that the aesthetic value of a good can make a person become tempted to purchase it and through this; the product can develop its customer base. As observed, customer satisfaction is a very broad area that cannot be quickly pointed out the preferences and tastes towards a particular product. Therefore it is the mandate of the human resource management of any company to go to the ground, gather information on the tastes and preferences of the client and thus produce goods and services which are in line with what the consumers want. The online taxi company has work hand in hand with their respondents on the ground thus making them able to decentralize their services more into the grassroots. Through this act, most companies can be able to generate more revenue basing on the fact that they rely on the direct information provided by the corporation. On the other hand, the firm is also required to house innovative people who can quickly come up with designs or ways that they can formulate their product thus making it capture a broad client base. Customer satisfaction is described as the ability to provide the necessary requirements that a consumer requires from the product. The firm should be capable of providing products to the users based on their income capability. Additionally the human resource assesses the real situation of the persons in the target location and ends up producing the product that suits their budget. Daft(2001), in his book, Organization theory, he openly suggests that understanding the target market is the first step of any wise entrepreneur and forging ways of producing goods that correctly fits into the budget line for the consumer. This will work to the advantage of the firm and help them reduce the risks of losses that may be encountered in the process. Uber has infiltrated into major cities in Africa thus rendering other online taxi services vague. In conclusion, it is evident that the welfare of any business relies on the ability to be creative and coming up with ways and means that can guarantee customer satisfaction. It is the work of entrepreneurs in the Uber Corporation to ensure that they get deeper into the ground and analyze what the customers require. Through this, they can be able to develop their products into world class products and thus make them expand their online businesses in the long run. The methodology approach towards the advertising of goods may be a reason that can market a product. Simple captivating and mind-catching advertisements tend to woo customers into buying certain products. This sums up the overall query and states that the method by which a particular product will be able to sell itself, either by global advertisement or by cutting down on the pricing, then it is bound to strategize itself in the global market and provides itself with a competitive advantage over the other commodities. References Bloom, P. N., Gundlach, G. T. (2001). Handbook of marketing and society. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage. Bowie, D., Paraskevas, A., Mariussen, A. (2014). Technology-Driven Online Marketing Performance Measurement: Lessons from Affiliate Marketing. International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM). 4, 1-16. Daft, R. L. (2001). Organization theory and design. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western College Publishing. Kolb, B. M. (2016). Marketing strategy for the creative and cultural industries. Shankar, V., Carpenter, G. S. (2012). Handbook of marketing strategy. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Pub. Stan, S. A. U. O. B. (n.d.). Strategies For Small Enterprises Negotiating With Large Firms. Studies And Scientific Researches. Economics Edition; No 18 (2013). Vasile Alecsandri the University of Bacau. Strauss, R. E. (2008). Marketing planning by design: systematic planning for successful marketing strategy. Chichester, England, Wiley. Swan, K. S., Zou, S. (2012). Interdisciplinary approaches to product design, innovation, branding in international marketing. Walter H. S. (2013). The role of corporations in economic development: Albania on its way to internationalization. Post-Communist Economies. 25,.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Persian Proverb Essay Example For Students

Persian Proverb Essay Doubts are something important in describing and finding out the secrets of natural phenomena, even though some of them are not right or do not describe the real problem or solution but they also help in concluding the real true description of natural facts. As I mentioned before doubt can benefit us to reach knowledge in different areas of knowledge, so does it play an important role in history? History is defined as the science of the human past or even the past life of all creatures living or lived on this planet, so it is the connection between our ancestors, and the present generations. it is the way where we can know what happened in the past, that lead us to what and where we are now, it illustrates the major events occurred during a period of time like an evolution, war and the peace agreements between countries. Doubts about discovering United States of America, researchers said that the Australians were the first people who stepped into America, others said Indians existed before Australians, but on the other hand when Christopher Columbus discovered America and found that the Indians were there he concluded that his doubt was right about America, over here doubts and testing them was really helpful and showed who were the Indigenous of America. Furthermore, a lot of doubts were published about the death of the German commander Hitler, some say that he shot his wife then killed himself, others say that he poisoned himself then his wife killed herself, others say that his consultant killed them both, but after researches and investigate the accident, researchers found that what is true from all these doubts was that he poisoned himself then shot himself and his wife where sitting dead next to him also poisoned, these different doubts helped in investigating his death and also let all who were supporting him know the way he killed himself so they all know the whole truth about the leader who they cared about. So history shows a good relationship between doubt and justification of historical facts and events to know who were in America when it was discovered, and how did Hitler died after assigning different doubts, then search for evidence to illustrate one of doubts as the true doubt to gain more knowledge about historical ev ents. Another area of knowledge can be proven by doubt, and it is modified by using these doubts about its rules and statements, is mathematics which is the study of shape structure and quantity, also seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures, furthermore seek for new statements from known definitions through deduction. As we can conclude from the definition, the truth of mathematics rules is based on deduction which involves trial and error and modifying these doubts to find the most appropriate chosen definitions. Therefore, mathematics rules we have today is the result of a hard work by mathematicians to find the best proof to rules and statements. Mathematics seems to be an island of certainty in a vast ocean of doubt (lagemaat, 188), but ancient mathematicians who had doubts about everything in mathematics, they experiment these doubts and by time they reduce the amount of it, to conclude one true fact about a rule. Furthermore, there is a large major in mathematics which is induction, it is all based on doubts, first we assume that the series or the equation given is true for n=k, then n=k+1, and so on to find the most appropriate rule to solve for the equation given. I have been through a time when I heard about the IB program, so I investigate about it is objectives and differences from the regular education programs, and doubted if it will benefit me and if is it good for my academic progress, or is it only another academic program, but when I test it by becoming an IB candidate, I can recognize that it opened new horizons for me and let me earn better education and extended sciences, also learn new skills, doubt has helped me in the reasoning process of why the IB program is good for me. .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .postImageUrl , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:visited , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:active { border:0!important; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:active , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Reconstruction In The South EssayAs a conclusion, the Persian proverb is true for different areas of knowledge, and we obtain this knowledge in history, mathematics and natural science by doubting things, then investigating the trueness of these doubts to find the appropriate valid one, doubt is important because if there was no doubts in natural science, then scientists will not need to do researches about a specific statement or phenomena to conclude the doubt which is true for this phenomena, also historians search for the trueness of an event occurred in ancient periods of time and come closer to the truth so we all know our true history, because at the end predicting doubts force us to investigate and search more for sufficient evidences to find the truth. Word count: 1592 References: 1-Ways of knowing, Michael Woolman, second edition. 2-Theory of knowledge, Richard Van De Lagamaat, Cambridge book.