Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Difference Between USA And Japan According To Hofstede Model

Question: Describe the difference between USA and Japan according to Hofstede Model? Answer: Understanding the culture of two countries is a critical role that a company has to do so as to make their business negotiation effective. Organizational cultures differ according to their nation. The culture of a country directly influences the organizational environment and culture (Cameron and Quinn). Similarly countries like USA and Japan would differ in their cultural values. Japan and USA shares strong international ties, but does their cultural differences impacts on their relation is a big question. In order to find out the difference in culture between two geographically distant countries like USA and Japan, Hofstede model analysis is conducted. Based on Hofstede Model the analysis is done based on six core factors, they are individualism, orientation of long term, uncertainty avoidance, Indulgence, masculinity and power distance. Evaluation: Dimensions JAPAN USA Power Distance 54 40 Individualism: 46 91 Masculinity: 95 62 Uncertainty Avoidance 92 46 Orientation of Long term: 88 26 Indulgence: 42 68 Hofstede Model (Geert-hofstede.com). Calculation of Cultural difference (Geert-hofstede.com). Comparison: Power Distance: the power distance states the individuals of a civilization are not same. Japan has a high degree of Power distance than USA, this is because the Japanese has started to question those who posses power. Individualism: The level of interdependence preserved by a culture among its members is reflected in this dimension. Japan scores low, because they follow the trend of a collectivistic society, however in countries like USA the level of Individualism is higher than collectivism. Masculinity: A good score in this dimension determines the competitive nature and a low score determines the dominant value. Japan is among the leading masculine civilization in the world in compared to the competitiveness is not a big criterion for US. Uncertainty Avoidance: Japan avoids Uncertainty because Japan frequently confronts natural disasters and in order to avoid that they take measures in comparison to that USA doesnt concentrates on avoiding uncertainty. Orientation of Long term: Here Japan stands out to be one of the major long term oriented society to which fatalism is not an unacquainted fact for them. In comparison USA has a low degree of orientation for long term. Indulgence: This dimension states the level to which one can control their impulses and desires. It is clear that the Americans have more indulgence than Japanese because US has more cultural restraint than Japan. References Cameron, Kim S, and Robert E Quinn.Diagnosing And Changing Organizational Culture. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2011. Print. Geert-hofstede.com,. 'Japan - Geert Hofstede'. N.p., 2015. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.

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