Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Primary Focus Of Educational Psychology - 765 Words

The primary focus of Educational Psychology is learning. When most people think of education, they have a tendency to focus on early childhood, but Educational Psychology focuses on the entire lifespan. Learning is an ongoing process in which development, behaviors and cognition can greatly affect an individual. Ensuring a proper academic foundation is key to aiding on ones developmental success. There are many factors that play into a child’s educational achievement such as pre-natal development, caregiver attachment, culture, household make-up, economics, cognitive ability, and environment to name a few. Several theorists can impact the practices of Educational Psychology, two in particular are Urie Bronfenbrenner and John Bowlby. With either of their theories in mind, looking at the child as an individual is non-existent. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecologial Theory describes development as an interaction between people, physical environment, and genetic make-up. It i s a multi-dimensional model where interactions between the same and different levels attribute to a person’s physiological processes (Broderick Blewitt, 2015, pp. 18-19). â€Å"His ecological theory, and his ability to translate it into operational research models†¦was a critical contribution to the creation of Head Start.† (Ceci, 2006, pp. 173). Taking into consideration Bronfenbrenner’s Theory, it directly impacts the work of Educational Psychology. The ability of a child to be successful in an educationalShow MoreRelatedLearning and Cognition Essay1306 Words   |  6 PagesFoundation for a course Project This paper contains an annotated bibliography for a paper which will serve as the final project for a course on the subject of learning and cognition. The paper for which this bibliography was prepared originally was to focus on whether or not a youth could be conditioned by maltreatment at home resulting in poor social and academic performance at school. The original thought was that removal of a child from an abusive or neglectful home would be an appropriate treatmentRead MoreThe Human Needs And Educational Psychology1234 Words   |  5 Pagesbasic human needs are those needs that are essential for human survival hence fundamental to educational psychology. It goes without saying that human needs should be met first. Air, food, water, shelter and clothing hold the top positions in the ranking of human needs. There is great connectedness between basic human needs and educational psychology. Educational psychology is navigated with one primary motive, to scientifically study human learning and how learning process can be affected by bothRead MoreThe Field Of School Psychology866 Words   |  4 PagesThe field of School Psychology started with the emergence of special education services in the early nineteen hundreds. Professionals were needed to assist with the selection and placement of children within such services. This led to the development of the profession of School Psychologists. However, it did not stop there it continued with Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon creating the â€Å"first practical intelligence test battery, which assessed higher level cognitive skills and produced substantialRead MoreThe Progression And Maturation Of Human Development841 Words   |  4 Pagespsychologists examine the progression and maturation of human development throughout a lifetime (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Additionally, developmental psychologists study how humans are able to acclimate to changes. Traditionally, their roles focus around the various sta ges during childhood and adolescence due in part to the rapid changes experienced during the first stages of life, however they are not limited to those age groups. Undergraduate and graduate degrees typically only containRead MoreMain Features Of Progressive Education1243 Words   |  5 Pagesfamilies mutually. Defining a good primary school should be in consideration of social, cultural and economic aspects of our contemporary society in the 21st century. In that sense, a progressive education philosophy is considered important for a good primary school in its psychological and sociological features. This essay will discuss why characteristic features of progressive education provide a model of a good primary school in line with the perspectives of psychology and sociology in such, it willRead MoreEducational Psychology Personal Statement896 Words   |  4 Pagesdeclared a psychology major during the second year of my undergraduate career, my objective was to attend medical school and eventually become a psychiatrist. I enjoyed the psychology classes in which I was enrolled and found them to compliment the premed curriculum I also wanted to study. I reasoned that a major in psychology would provide insight that could later be useful in my planned studies of psychiatry. Although I decided against going to medical school, psychology remained the primary areaRead MoreEducational Psychology : Teaching And Learning Process758 Words   |  4 PagesEducational Psychology is a division of psychology that works with the education of children, teaching methods, guidance, and the assessment of aptitude and development. The main purpose of educational psychology is to understand and improve the teaching and learning process. Within my classroom, I encounter dialect differences on a daily basis. I am exposed to a southern dialect in my classroom. As a teacher, I must be sensitive to the difference in those students’ dialects. I could also ensureRead MoreSir Ken Robinson s Ted Talk : Do Schools Kill Creativity?972 Words   |  4 Pageshow today’s educational system is still based off of the original factory industrialized model of education created in the Industrial age. ( Robinson, 2006) During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century the Industrial age fostered the Industrial economy, with this new robust economy, there was a shortage in qualified skilled labor force. (Leland Kasten, 2002) The needs of the Industrial economy spawned the creation of our educational system in America, whose primary focus was to meetRead MoreResearch Proposal: The Relationship between School Climate and Students Achievement 1361 Words   |  6 PagesThe underperformance of many students at the primary level of the education system in Jamaica has caused the schools to be placed under the microscope and there has been an intense focus on academic performance of students and the success of primary schools in general. Tied to this underperformance are many problems that are hindering the teaching and learning process, but little focus is placed on the learning environment and therefore the school climate as a critical factor is faded in the backgroundRead MoreAcademic Success Essay1187 Words   |  5 Pagespublic university in the northeastern United States. The participants went through three phases of interviews. The results of his study support the positive relationship between motivati on and students’ academic success in college. He found that two primary goals of college seniors are to get good grades and graduate. They also expressed that these goals motivate their academic efforts during their senior year (Shawn Van Etten, 2008). The seniors reported that if there were no grades they probably

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Cuban Revolution - 1541 Words

Almost every nation in the world has experienced a revolution. A revolution can be simply defined as a change. When a country undergoes a revolution, its ideals that it once believed in are being modified. Sometimes revolutionaries act intellectually, yet others may respond physically through destruction. Some may be peaceful, some short lasting, and some pointless. Historians do argue on identifying whether a revolution has occurred. Revolutions usually follow a rupture in the nations events, are directed by a hero, have an ideology and belief system, and use symbols or tools to get its points across to the people. Cuba and its leader today, Fidel Castro, have their own roots in a revolution that took place only some forty years ago.†¦show more content†¦All revolutionaries except Castro and his family were massacred. Although this rupture failed, Castros movement gained popularity and prestige all over the world. In fact, Castro called the Revolution the 26 of July Movemen t. Castro himself was caught and sentenced to jail for two years. Between 1955 and 1956,brbrCastro went to United States and Mexico looking for supporters and money to fund his revolution. On December 2, 1956, eighty-two men including Castro and the physician Ernesto Che Guevara, set sail once again for the Oriente on their yacht, the Granma. The campaign was doomed from the beginning. Nobody could navigate the boat properly, everybody was seasick, most of the supplies were jettisoned in a storm, and the expedition landed in the wrong place.(Sinclair,15) On one occasion Guevara followed the wrong star to travel North, and on another, his comrade put the only the drink they had, milk, upside down in his pocket. By the end of the day the milk was gone. On December 5 in the battle of Alegrà ­a de Pà ­o, Batistas troops killed all of the rebels except twelve. Among these survivors, coincidentally, were Castro and Guevara.brbrMeanwhile, in the cities and universities, a revolutionary m ovement was also taking place. The Ortodoxo political party favored a violent revolution against Batista. Its leader and University of Havana Professor Rafael Bà ¡rcena organized theShow MoreRelatedCuban Revolution And The Revolution1309 Words   |  6 PagesCuba’s history, the Cuban revolution. The factors that caused the revolution and the main events during changed the lives of Cuba’s people as well as North Americans. Cuba was a poor, uneducated, country controlled by a brutal dictator in 1953. The attack on the Moncoda barracks and other confrontations caused the people of Cuba to react – storming the presidential palace and rioting. Castro and his men were starting to win against Batista’s despite the numbers. After the revolution Fidel Castro tookRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution1264 Words   |  6 Pagesin the years that followed because of the Cuban revolution. The oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power, as well as the branches of creativity, such as painting, music, and dance. Art and its many different forms were heavily influenced by the Cuban Revolution. Artists find inspirations for their worksRead MoreThe Cuban Revolution Of Cuba1670 Words   |  7 Pagesarchitecture. But underneath the surface, was a revolution ready to burst through the Cuban people they just needed the right person to lead them. Cuba at this time was run by a Political Dictator named Fulgencio Batista. Fulgencio Batista was elected President of Cuba between 1940 and 1940. In 1952 Batista declared that constitutional guarantees and the right to strike will be suspended. He became a dictator with absolute power over Cuba. Batista turned the Cuban capital of Havana into one of the largestRead More Cuban Revolution Essay945 Words   |  4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fidel Castro, inspired by Josà © Martà ­ who first dreamt of a Cuban Revolution who died a martyr before he could succeed, wanted to overthrow the corrupt government under Fulgencio Batista. Castro gathered an army of revolutionaries known as the Fidelistas who were driven by nationalism, idealism, patriotism, and the thought of possibly becoming a martyr, a historical glory of Cuba. The result of this revolution in Cuba was an overthrow of the government and the start of a Communist stateRead MoreEssay on The Cuban Revolution773 Words   |  4 Pagestime of the Cuban Revolution was a great deal of turmoil, not just in Cuba but in almost every corner of the world. It was 1945, shortly after the end of World War Two, and the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cuba, in the middle of its own war, was caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the revolution. The result of the revolution left Fidel CastroRead MoreEssay on The Cuban Revolution2746 Words   |  11 Pagesof Power [1952-1959] Marifeli Pà ©rez-Stable looks back at the Cuban Revolution through a sociological lens in her book The Cuban Revolution. Pà ©rez-Stable claims that Cubans held national independence and social justice as goals ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Radical nationalism remained important in Cubans’ view of themselves and their ideals. Thus, Pà ©rez-Stable argues that the origins of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 lie in the independence movement against Spain and the frustrationsRead More The Cuban Revolution Essay3088 Words   |  13 Pagesto â€Å"take by the surprise and capture the Fort Moncada, and take machine guns, tanks, armored trucks, up-to-date rifles and ammunition.† (Huberman 1960: 28) They could then seize radio stations, (Hampsey 2002: 95) and â€Å"They were to announce a revolution based on ‘Creole values,’ (Goldenberg 1965: 151) led by new men ... free of all obstacles with foreign nations and ... of appetites of politicians. They promised welfare and economic prosperity, social justice, respect for other nations, and respectRead MoreEssay about The Cuban Revolution2304 Words   |  10 PagesThey talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America? -- Fidel Castro Introduction During the 1950’s, Cuba was on the brink of revolution. The nation, which had suffered numerous corrupt and oppressive governmental regimes, fell victim to yet another when Fulgencio Batista seized power under a military coup in March of 1952. A cry for a just Cuba, that was economically, politically, and socially free continued to echo throughoutRead MoreEssay on History of the Cuban Revolution1904 Words   |  8 PagesIn cuban history there was many dictatorships. But, Fulgencio Batista lead to rise of communism in Cuba and Fidel Castro. Foreign involvement from United States to control Cuba as economical ally, also Bastia treatment mistreatment towards foreigners from Haitian and Jamaican. The Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro use of guerrilla warfare and the peasant population of Cuba lead to successful revolution. The United States felt threatened about Cuban being 90 miles from florida spifly duringRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1367 Words   |  6 Pagesthe fruition of the Cuban Revolution, and the dramatic shift in power was about to radically alter the country’s political, social and economic course forever. The positive and negative effects of the revolution on the Cuban people, however, as well as the condition of Cuba’s economy pre and post-revolution, is subject to heated debate. Castro’s iron-fisted regime was the introduction of communism into the western hemisphere, and now, over fifty years later, the Cuban Revolution continues to be one

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Guaranteeing its Place in the Global Market

Question: Discuss about the Guaranteeing its Place in the Global Market. Answer: Introduction: The main aim of any organization is ensuring that it accumulates as much profit as it can, therefore, guaranteeing its place in the global market. Due to this, many corporations have come up with methods that can help them stay relevant in the world market. The primary determinant for their stay in the global market environment is the diversity of their management and the methods the human resource management uses to capture the latest trends in the global economy. The hierarchy of the management has the sole responsibility for ensuring that each person in every department undertakes the responsibility placed on him with due diligence. Through this, all the operations of the organization are easily synchronized, and thus profits are bound to be realized. In the case of online businesses, the company has to make sure that it maintains swift and open transactions with their customers. Through this, they will be able to accumulate a wide range of clients across the globe. Customer satis faction guarantees the development of any business entity and thus it is the work of the cooperation to ensure that it maintains a rigid customer base. This prompts the imposition of various schemes that will help advance the client base and seek to capture new markets in the global arena and at the same time selling the brand of the company. Brand marketing has been done by many businesses, and this has worked to their advantage making them penetrate newer global markets than most of their competitors in the same field. As observed, customers react to online business in various ways depending on the way the online business is marketed, advertised or branded (Strauss, 2014). The best example of an online business is the Uber taxi services. The competitive advantage of a product is the major determinant of the quality of the product and its ability to sell itself. When a particular asset has a higher competitive advantage, then it implies it contains an addition of quality which makes it attract a wider consumer base. The most preferred commodity has a set of unique features as perceived by the user and thus gives it an upper hand against other products from other companies competing on the same scale. The competitive advantage is typically viewed, in most cases, as the reason behind brand loyalty thus distinguishing how an individual can prefer one product or service over another. There are many types of competitive advantages the major ones being cost, the product or service differentiation, and the niche strategies. Cost competitiveness is applicable when a particular firm can make proper use of the skilled workforce at its disposal to accumulate profits. The Uber taxi service has been on the forefront in ensuring th at it surpasses all its competitors. The company provides a colossal selection and low prices consequently via retailer strength and the size. This makes them capture a wider customer base that prefers to buy the goods in bulk. The Uber taxi service ensures that they provide cheap and affordable travelling services all around the clock. For the case of product differentiation, the Uber taxi service has to formulate the product in such a way they will be able to capture the market and maintain it. A conventional method that has been applied in this field is product re-engineering. By the use of this approach, the company has been able to cut on the cost and also bring on board a new consumer base depending on the extent of advertisement the company has done. Reengineering primarily entails the redesigning of the product in such a way that new product is an improvement of the previous product. This move aims to make the former consumers become faithful customers while on the other hand making new clients gain interest in the product. The most general company that is associated with this kind of transition is the Apple Company that keeps on sophisticating its products and coming up with electronic gadgets that receive universal acceptance. In online business as observed in Uber Taxi Company, the company can also engage in their service or product reengineering so as to attract a massive customer base. They can do so by either introducing a new delivery method for their clients or by the reduction of the time delivery of the items ordered by the customer. Additionally, this can guarantee that it saves the cost of the transactions for the customers and also the company. A perfect example of service reengineering is seen in Uber Taxi services as well as the airline industry where they have made their services easily accessible online thus one can easily book plane tickets via check-in kiosks and also in the retail supermarkets. Product re-engineering can also be a method of breaking the monotony of always having the same product among the customers. It can be attributed to the fact that when the commodity keeps changing it implies that the company is growing from one level to the other. Technological criticality and increased sophistication suggest that the organization is developing, and the target market is the growing generation which has not being explored. Product or service differentiation is a vital element when addressing customer tastes and differences in the Uber taxi services. When the company begun offering unique and quality services, then it is evident that they have received customers as a result of the quality of the service delivery. In an instance where a particular companys products and services are valuable then it implies that consumer loyalty may come in and thus overshadow the competitive cost advantage in the long run. Therefore, it can be noted the fact that consumers in most instances have a swayed opinion and when all factors are kept constant the quality of the product is of utmost importance. Therefore, it is very hard to maintain an edge in the competitive market based on the pricing of the commodity alone because the consumers may require something more other than the reduced prices alone. Thus through this, the online Uber taxi services has been able to set its status in product differentiation basing on the extent of quality service they offer to the clients. Online businesses should ensure they sell the actual products that they produce just as the Uber taxi service has done. It is advisable not to use counterfeits but instead maintain clarity and originality. The aspect of copying from other brands tends to affect the performance of any brand. As deduced by Kolb (2016), any firm possessing creativity then the users are bound to remain loyal, and the business ends up incurring profits considering the fact they maintain freshness and is well conversant with the changing global economy. Product originality is identified as a major determinant towards the correct branding and advertisement of the product. Thus provided a firm I able to come up as an original entity, it is always the wish of every client to identify himself with the particular brand as its service provider. The perfect example of the global online shopping site is the Amazon which has fast adequate and satisfactory services of all goods that any individual may want to obtain online. They have a sense of originality, just as the one that markets Uber taxi services. Adequacy and time consciousness are frequently appreciated while carrying out online businesses. The clients demand that their services are given earnest consideration, and the response they expect should be paid with the urgency which is required. The faster a particular issue is handled then the more clients will be attracted to the particular firm. Even though the companies may charge low prices, due to the huge number of customers they have to attend to, in the long run, they accumulate more profits and end up earning the customer loyalty. Basing on the finding by Bowie, Paraskevas, Mariussen, (2014), they claim that the consumer behavior is a very unpredictable trend, but when the concise concentration is given in the field then a company can comfortably trace the correct procedure for handling their customer and bringing on board more new clients. One of the major businesses that have flourished in the online marketing platform is the introduction of UBER Taxi services. Shankar Carpenter (2012), in their book, they explore the principles that build products and services delivery in online business. They mainly dwell on advertising as the primary element that can boost the competitive advantage of a particular product and makes it have a strong client base. The mode by which the advertising is carried out will matter whether it will capture the intended market base (Shankar Carpenter, 2012). Uber taxi service advertisements have been diverse and cut across many cultures and states thus guaranteeing it position in the global economy. Additionally, the packaging of the product has also been argued to be another factor that can make a product have a competitive advantage over other products. Well learned scholars, Bloom Gundlach, (2001), concur with the fact that the mode by which a particular product is packaged and designed it can have an enormous competitive advantage over others. In the book, they highlight that just like Giffen goods, an individual can buy a product not because it is a necessity but simply because of the method by which is packaged. The assumption is brought about by the reasoning behind the fact that that the aesthetic value of a good can make a person become tempted to purchase it and through this; the product can develop its customer base. As observed, customer satisfaction is a very broad area that cannot be quickly pointed out the preferences and tastes towards a particular product. Therefore it is the mandate of the human resource management of any company to go to the ground, gather information on the tastes and preferences of the client and thus produce goods and services which are in line with what the consumers want. The online taxi company has work hand in hand with their respondents on the ground thus making them able to decentralize their services more into the grassroots. Through this act, most companies can be able to generate more revenue basing on the fact that they rely on the direct information provided by the corporation. On the other hand, the firm is also required to house innovative people who can quickly come up with designs or ways that they can formulate their product thus making it capture a broad client base. Customer satisfaction is described as the ability to provide the necessary requirements that a consumer requires from the product. The firm should be capable of providing products to the users based on their income capability. Additionally the human resource assesses the real situation of the persons in the target location and ends up producing the product that suits their budget. Daft(2001), in his book, Organization theory, he openly suggests that understanding the target market is the first step of any wise entrepreneur and forging ways of producing goods that correctly fits into the budget line for the consumer. This will work to the advantage of the firm and help them reduce the risks of losses that may be encountered in the process. Uber has infiltrated into major cities in Africa thus rendering other online taxi services vague. In conclusion, it is evident that the welfare of any business relies on the ability to be creative and coming up with ways and means that can guarantee customer satisfaction. It is the work of entrepreneurs in the Uber Corporation to ensure that they get deeper into the ground and analyze what the customers require. Through this, they can be able to develop their products into world class products and thus make them expand their online businesses in the long run. The methodology approach towards the advertising of goods may be a reason that can market a product. Simple captivating and mind-catching advertisements tend to woo customers into buying certain products. This sums up the overall query and states that the method by which a particular product will be able to sell itself, either by global advertisement or by cutting down on the pricing, then it is bound to strategize itself in the global market and provides itself with a competitive advantage over the other commodities. References Bloom, P. N., Gundlach, G. T. (2001). Handbook of marketing and society. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage. Bowie, D., Paraskevas, A., Mariussen, A. (2014). Technology-Driven Online Marketing Performance Measurement: Lessons from Affiliate Marketing. International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM). 4, 1-16. Daft, R. L. (2001). Organization theory and design. Cincinnati, Ohio, South-Western College Publishing. Kolb, B. M. (2016). Marketing strategy for the creative and cultural industries. Shankar, V., Carpenter, G. S. (2012). Handbook of marketing strategy. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Pub. Stan, S. A. U. O. B. (n.d.). Strategies For Small Enterprises Negotiating With Large Firms. Studies And Scientific Researches. Economics Edition; No 18 (2013). Vasile Alecsandri the University of Bacau. Strauss, R. E. (2008). Marketing planning by design: systematic planning for successful marketing strategy. Chichester, England, Wiley. Swan, K. S., Zou, S. (2012). Interdisciplinary approaches to product design, innovation, branding in international marketing. Walter H. S. (2013). The role of corporations in economic development: Albania on its way to internationalization. Post-Communist Economies. 25,.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Persian Proverb Essay Example For Students

Persian Proverb Essay Doubts are something important in describing and finding out the secrets of natural phenomena, even though some of them are not right or do not describe the real problem or solution but they also help in concluding the real true description of natural facts. As I mentioned before doubt can benefit us to reach knowledge in different areas of knowledge, so does it play an important role in history? History is defined as the science of the human past or even the past life of all creatures living or lived on this planet, so it is the connection between our ancestors, and the present generations. it is the way where we can know what happened in the past, that lead us to what and where we are now, it illustrates the major events occurred during a period of time like an evolution, war and the peace agreements between countries. Doubts about discovering United States of America, researchers said that the Australians were the first people who stepped into America, others said Indians existed before Australians, but on the other hand when Christopher Columbus discovered America and found that the Indians were there he concluded that his doubt was right about America, over here doubts and testing them was really helpful and showed who were the Indigenous of America. Furthermore, a lot of doubts were published about the death of the German commander Hitler, some say that he shot his wife then killed himself, others say that he poisoned himself then his wife killed herself, others say that his consultant killed them both, but after researches and investigate the accident, researchers found that what is true from all these doubts was that he poisoned himself then shot himself and his wife where sitting dead next to him also poisoned, these different doubts helped in investigating his death and also let all who were supporting him know the way he killed himself so they all know the whole truth about the leader who they cared about. So history shows a good relationship between doubt and justification of historical facts and events to know who were in America when it was discovered, and how did Hitler died after assigning different doubts, then search for evidence to illustrate one of doubts as the true doubt to gain more knowledge about historical ev ents. Another area of knowledge can be proven by doubt, and it is modified by using these doubts about its rules and statements, is mathematics which is the study of shape structure and quantity, also seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures, furthermore seek for new statements from known definitions through deduction. As we can conclude from the definition, the truth of mathematics rules is based on deduction which involves trial and error and modifying these doubts to find the most appropriate chosen definitions. Therefore, mathematics rules we have today is the result of a hard work by mathematicians to find the best proof to rules and statements. Mathematics seems to be an island of certainty in a vast ocean of doubt (lagemaat, 188), but ancient mathematicians who had doubts about everything in mathematics, they experiment these doubts and by time they reduce the amount of it, to conclude one true fact about a rule. Furthermore, there is a large major in mathematics which is induction, it is all based on doubts, first we assume that the series or the equation given is true for n=k, then n=k+1, and so on to find the most appropriate rule to solve for the equation given. I have been through a time when I heard about the IB program, so I investigate about it is objectives and differences from the regular education programs, and doubted if it will benefit me and if is it good for my academic progress, or is it only another academic program, but when I test it by becoming an IB candidate, I can recognize that it opened new horizons for me and let me earn better education and extended sciences, also learn new skills, doubt has helped me in the reasoning process of why the IB program is good for me. .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .postImageUrl , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:visited , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:active { border:0!important; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:active , .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931 .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub69801966d13191f0fa11a7372f07931:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Reconstruction In The South EssayAs a conclusion, the Persian proverb is true for different areas of knowledge, and we obtain this knowledge in history, mathematics and natural science by doubting things, then investigating the trueness of these doubts to find the appropriate valid one, doubt is important because if there was no doubts in natural science, then scientists will not need to do researches about a specific statement or phenomena to conclude the doubt which is true for this phenomena, also historians search for the trueness of an event occurred in ancient periods of time and come closer to the truth so we all know our true history, because at the end predicting doubts force us to investigate and search more for sufficient evidences to find the truth. Word count: 1592 References: 1-Ways of knowing, Michael Woolman, second edition. 2-Theory of knowledge, Richard Van De Lagamaat, Cambridge book.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Boxing Arguement free essay sample

It should also not be banned because boxers know the risks and they still choose to do it; it is their choice not the communitys. Another reason not to ban boxing would be because if boxing is banned it will be enforced by people who still like it and those who still want to fight. If one dangerous sport gets banned, then all sports will get banned due to its potential dangers. Boxing is not just a sport; it is a way of life to some. Boxing is a physical contact sport that requires an immense deal of hard work and dedication. This training is not only to get boxers bigger, better, faster, and stronger it acts as a stress reliever and a way to stay fit. Boxing is a stress relieving sport that physically enhances the body and makes it healthier and is easy, whereas running five anguishing miles a day leaves the body dilapidated. We will write a custom essay sample on Boxing Arguement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Boxing is fun and exciting and is great for the human body. Boxing is a national sport that is practiced by adults, adolescents, and kids. With this abundance of popularity comes with big responsibilities in the boxing community. The boxing community has created such an outbreak as a sport, that many question its safety. Boxing is safe, as long as it is taught and practice in the correct manner. Boxers know the risk they are taking by undertaking the sport. Although all boxers know there is a chance of making that ultimate sacrifice of taking their opponents or their lives, nearly all of them continue. Boxers have the risks of becoming blind, deaf, having concussions, and the worst of all dying. Safety is one major thing that the boxing community practices, no matter what safety in fighters or players always comes first. Boxers have chosen what they wanted, knowing the potential harms, to continue and train and fight at the expense of their own safety. Boxing being banned could result in a rebellion. A rebellion led by the people who live and breathe boxing. People who love boxing will find a way to do what they love at any risk. The banning of the sport makes it illegal to fight in a ring with regulated gloves; in that case people will fight illegally. If boxing is done illegally potential dangers may occur. In that of the lack of funding and equipment could result in more casualties and death within the underground illegal human â€Å"cock-fights†. People would do anything to do what they love, even if it means to undermine the government and its irrational laws. Banning the sport would create a bigger dispute than it already is. Boxing is a sport, a stress reliever, an exercise method, but most of all a way of life. To people who participate in the sport of boxing say that it is not just a pastime, but it is their life. Boxing has become the true love of many Americans today. The physical hard work, the competition, and the rewards that come with create such a wonderful atmosphere in the sport. Boxing has earned its way to become one of America’s beloved pastimes through the pure entertainment and love for the sport itself. Boxing should not be banned because it creates a sense of happiness among people, it focuses on the importance of safety, and it provides a legal way for people to fight.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber was born on March 22, 1948 to William and Jean Lloyd Webber. In 1951 his younger brother Julian was born. Even at a young age, Andrew loved to make his own music. Andrew also had a great interest in inspecting ancient monuments around England. It and history were what many thought he would choose to do for a career. However, his Aunt Vi introduced him to the theatre, and under her advice started writing music of his own. In 1956, Andrew went to Westminster and started composing music for the school's plays. In 1962, Andrew won a Challenge Scholarship that reduced his tuition at Westminster. Andrew won another scholarship in 1964 to transfer to Oxford. Time Rice and Andrew met in 1965 and consequently, Andrew dropped out of Oxford to pursue music with Tim. The first musical, The Likes of Us, was a failure, but soon afterwards Joseph was created. The first showing was at Colet Court in 1968. Jesus Christ Superstar came next. In 1971, Andrew married Sarah Jane Hugill . Andrew and Alan Ayckbourn, in 1975, started work on a new musical, Jeeves. Jeeves was not a success and Andrew went back to Tim. Together they wrote Evita in late 1975. The next musical, Cats, paired Andrew with the deceased poet T.S. Eliot and producer, Cameron Mackintosh. It was an incredible hit and beat A Chorus Line for longest running musical and highest grossing musical. Cats made Andrew rich and famous and ready to start a musical about trains. Starlight Express was created in 1984, the most expensive musical created up to that point. The same year, Andrew divorced Sarah Hugill and married Sarah Brightman. Andrew's next work was Requiem. It isn't a musical, but serious music for a Mass. Sarah Brightman sang the female soprano part. Andrew's next work, Phantom of the Opera also included Sarah. One of Andrew's most famous works, Phantom was created in 1986. Aspects of Love, Andrew's next venture, opened in 1989. Its intimate setting and songs were cr... Free Essays on Andrew Lloyd Webber Free Essays on Andrew Lloyd Webber Andrew Lloyd Webber was born on March 22, 1948 to William and Jean Lloyd Webber. In 1951 his younger brother Julian was born. Even at a young age, Andrew loved to make his own music. Andrew also had a great interest in inspecting ancient monuments around England. It and history were what many thought he would choose to do for a career. However, his Aunt Vi introduced him to the theatre, and under her advice started writing music of his own. In 1956, Andrew went to Westminster and started composing music for the school's plays. In 1962, Andrew won a Challenge Scholarship that reduced his tuition at Westminster. Andrew won another scholarship in 1964 to transfer to Oxford. Time Rice and Andrew met in 1965 and consequently, Andrew dropped out of Oxford to pursue music with Tim. The first musical, The Likes of Us, was a failure, but soon afterwards Joseph was created. The first showing was at Colet Court in 1968. Jesus Christ Superstar came next. In 1971, Andrew married Sarah Jane Hugill . Andrew and Alan Ayckbourn, in 1975, started work on a new musical, Jeeves. Jeeves was not a success and Andrew went back to Tim. Together they wrote Evita in late 1975. The next musical, Cats, paired Andrew with the deceased poet T.S. Eliot and producer, Cameron Mackintosh. It was an incredible hit and beat A Chorus Line for longest running musical and highest grossing musical. Cats made Andrew rich and famous and ready to start a musical about trains. Starlight Express was created in 1984, the most expensive musical created up to that point. The same year, Andrew divorced Sarah Hugill and married Sarah Brightman. Andrew's next work was Requiem. It isn't a musical, but serious music for a Mass. Sarah Brightman sang the female soprano part. Andrew's next work, Phantom of the Opera also included Sarah. One of Andrew's most famous works, Phantom was created in 1986. Aspects of Love, Andrew's next venture, opened in 1989. Its intimate setting and songs were cr...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Coral Reefs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coral Reefs - Research Paper Example of this student that the reader will come away from this paper with a more informed understanding of how the coral reefs are an integral part of the ecosystem and the means by which action must be encouraged in order to save them from any further destruction. Although it is true that these reefs are beautiful, they allow for tens of thousands of different forms of sea life to reside within these reefs; in a way that they could not within the deeper oceans and other unprotected regions of the sea. This protection from indigenous species allows for species that would otherwise have little to no protection from predators to thrive within such an environment. Moreover, the habitat that the coral reefs provide creates a somewhat sustainable ecosystem which humans can then leverage in the form of planned and ethical fishing. An analysis of existing coral reefs denote that approximately 30-40 million people are year are fed from the sea life that is harvested within these zones. Naturally, even though this only makes up a small portion of the earth’s population, it forms an essential part of defining the way in which the food chain operates in the means by which tens of millions of people gain sustenance each and every year. Another element of great importance with regards to the coral reefs has to do with the ability of the coral reef to turn carbon dioxide into limestone. Ultimately, as the ongoing fear over global climate change has evidenced, the increasing levels of CO2 have created a situation in which CO2 is being evidenced to a further and further degree within the environment (Villanueva 887). As the earth does not have the ability to remedy this increase at the same pace that human industrial activities and burning of fossil fuel creates it, the need for protecting the earth’s natural ability to transform CO2 into other substances is essential. Even though it might not be possible to reverse the rate of global warming/climate change, seeking to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mitochondrial Uncouplers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mitochondrial Uncouplers - Essay Example What alternative pathway is being triggered here and why? What other chemical would you expect to see build-up in the cytoplasm of these cells? (2.5 points) In the presence of 2, 4-dinitrophenol, electron transport of electrons to O2 from NADH continuous normally regardless of loss of respiratory control leading to increased oxygen consumption as well as oxidation of NADH. It is the excessive consumption of oxygen that leads to consumption of large amounts of metabolic fuels; increase in glycolysis(El-Zanfaly and Marwa 208). During this process, substrate cycle is triggered in order to dissipate more energy in form of heat. Apart from accumulation of phosphate molecules, the presence of 2, 4-dinitrophenol may also result to accumulation of insulin and triglyceride in the cytoplasm of cells. 2, 4-dinitrophenol causes hyperthermia because it is associated with basal leak of protons which are responsible for the formation of ATP, storage of energy. The loss of thermoregulatory homeostasis as a result of the drug result to excessive dissipation of heat as well as consumption of calories(El-Zanfaly and Marwa 208). The uncoupling protein (UCP) is an exclusive mitochondrial protein for brown fat. This fat plays a very significant role in the transportation of protein responsible for the formation of ATP. In transporting the proteins, this fat enhances dissipation of heat and as a result makes the brown fat mitochondria to be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Assigned readings on which you will write one page reading responed Essay - 2

Assigned readings on which you will write one page reading responed - Essay Example Friendship between opposite sexes was only seen in few literary circles. Apart from that amicable relation between men and women was impossible in the West and still is in various cultures. Historical changes appeared when women were portrayed differently. The writer further investigates the relation between men and women and turns his attention towards feminism. The writer turns to feminism to prove his argument because prior to the advent of feminism women were considered inferior. In 1890’s when the term feminism was made public. The New Woman was a term coined for a reinvented woman who was intelligent, strong-willed, well-read and outspoken. The writer suggests that the new kind of woman is responsible for the companionship and friendship among men and women. The writer mentions platonic friendship which constitutes of everything except sexual relations. The origin of this word dates back to Plato, who used it to explain the emotion of love with or without the involvement of sex. Feminists such as Mary Wollstonecraft were not in favor of platonic friendships because they could end up in damage such as sexual relations. Even though there are various factors that have promoted friendship between men and women. According to the writer the increasing admissions by both sexes into education institutes has caused both sexes to come close. The non-partial and non-political nature nowadays especially in education facilities has led to friendships among men and

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Introduction To Death Penalty Philosophy Essay

The Introduction To Death Penalty Philosophy Essay Introduction to Death penalty The death penalty also called as Capital Punishment is one of the legal process in which a person is punished and put to death for a crime by the state. It is considered as the ultimate denial of the human rights. If a person is punished in this manner, a death sentence is a judicial decree, whereas Execution is the real process of the cause of death of the person. This degrading, inhuman and cruel punishment is being done in name of justice. It desecrates the right to life which is announced publically or officially in the Universal declaration of Human Rights. Death penalty is not considered as mandatory rather it is considered as discretionary in all the capital offenses except the murder case. Background of crime, physical and mental condition of the offender, age of the accused is taken into account by the judges for various capital offenses. It is valid and justified form of punishment. One calls it as deterrence while tit is regarded as potential of executing innocent people b y the others. Also one calls it justice, punishment and retribution while the others say that execution is murder. The punishment of murder is becoming less and less. Punishment for crime should be cruel and harsh. The aim of justice system is to protect rights of property, liberty and life. Here death penalty plays very important role. The criminal has to suffer for his wrongdoing or crime, stops him committing again and allows other criminals to commit the same. A judge orders a criminal for whole life to be in prison, but the prisoner is out of prison within 15 years. Thus the criminals continue committing crimes as they do not have the fear of punishment as they know that they will not be killed. For this death penalty should be an option so that before breaking the law they may be afraid. Capital offenses or we can say that capital crimes are the crimes which results in death penalty. Crime is an obvious part of the society. Death penalty had been practiced by many societies; currently it is practiced by around 58 nations and has been abolished by 97 countries. Execution of criminals i.e. a person who executes criminals by order of the law and the political opponents are being used by all the societies- both to punish the crime and also to suppress the political dissent. In most of the places where capital punishment is practiced it is restricted for various purposes like treason, murder, part of military justice or as espionage. In some of the countries sexual crimes like adultery, sodomy, rape and incest carries death penalty while in Islamic nations religious crimes like apostasy carry death penalty. In most of the countries that uses the death penalty, drug trafficking is also considered as a capital offense. In china, some of the serious cases of corruption as we ll as human trafficking are suffered for wrong doing by death penalty. In all the cases death penalty is opposed by Amnesty International without exception regardless of forming part of offender, nature of crime or the method which is used by the state to put a prisoner to death. Capital punishment has proved to have good benefits in order to determine the consequences which the criminals deserve in the country. This is required to make certain the moral values and safety of the society, then there will be no need of the expenses that are involved in death penalty. History of Death Penalty: Death penalty was set up as a punishment for people who committed crimes. The king of Babylon, Hammurabi in 18th century BC put into the form of a code the death penalty for almost 25 different crimes and murder was not included in them. In 16th century BC Egypt, the first death sentence occurred which was historically recorded where the wrongdoer was ordered to take his own life. Hittite code also practiced death penalty in 14th century BC. Death was made the penalty by Draconian code of Athens in 7th century BC for every crime which was committed. In 5th century death penalty was codified by the Roman Law. There are five justifications for implementation of death penalty which are as follows: The chances that the offender will return back to the society are reducing to nil. Closure for victims families. Other offenders discourage or deter against the future violations. For the offender who commits such serious crimes, death penalty is the appropriate punishment. Rightful societal vengeance is also one of the justifications of death penalty. Death Penalty Facts There are several reasons to abolish death penalty which are discussed as follows: Executions are carried out at unsteady cost to the taxpayers: It costs much more to execute a person rather than to keep him in the prison throughout the entire life. It is being observed that the death penalty trials are around 20 times more costly than the trials that seek a sentence of life in jail without any possibility of parole. No credible evidence is there that the capital punishment causes crime: Scientific studies had failed to find out that that executions cause people to commit crime more than seeking a sentence of life in prison. The states where death penalty is not practiced have much less murder rates. Innocent people are being executed and convicted: The wrong execution of innocent people creates lack of justice which can never be rectifiable. In the last two years it was found that four men had been executed wrongfully for the crime which they did not committed. Always there is a risk of an innocent people to be executed. Race plays a vital role in deciding who is sentenced to die: The two major factors that decides who lives and who dies are the race of victim and the race of defendant. It was concluded from the report of General Accounting Office in the year 1990 that those people who killed the whites were mostly sentenced to death than those who killed blacks. The death penalty is asked to be given without aim or purpose at random: The three determining factors in death penalty case where crime is committed are the politics, jurisdiction and the quality of legal counsel. The death penalty is considered as a lethal lottery. Out of 22,000 people who commit crime every year, approximately 150 people are put to death. Capital punishment goes against every religion: Execution is regarded as immoral by almost all the religious groups although isolated passages of the religious scriptures have given strength to death penalty. Millions of people spend on death penalty which can be used to help the families of the murder victims: Many families who have lost their loved ones in murder victims feels that neither death penalty will not curse their wounds nor will end their pain. In order to help the families funds can be used to put their lives back together crime victim hotlines, counseling, restitution and many other services that addresses their needs. A large number of countries round the world had given up the use of death penalty, but the consensus has not been formed by the world against the use of death penalty. Every year thousands of people are executed in China, which is the most popular country in the world and it is used regularly by the most powerful country, the US. The use of capital punishment is retained by eighty four countries in the world. The use of death penalty is declining in most of the countries and will be abandoned soon. Death penalty in Islam: Islam accepts death penalty. The main point to note is that life is taken by the people by the way of justice and law. In Islam, death penalty is put into practice by the court as punishment for creating serious crimes. But ultimately it is believed that external punishment is in almightys hand. According to the Islamic penal code, the non- physical, immaterial part of man, the soul, the immortal part of man which feels and thinks is to save lifes, prevent corruption and promote justice. Islamic philosophy holds a view that severe and cruel punishment should be given to the one who commit serious crimes, damages the individual victims, or utter a threat to destabilize foundation of the society. International murder and Fasad fil-ardh (which means to spread mischief in land) are the two crimes according to the Islamic law which are to be punishable by death. International murder: The Quran makes laws against the death penalty for murder, though compassion and forgiveness are strongly supported. A choice is given to the murder victims family either to declare with force and confidence on death penalty or to forgive the performer to take mandatory compensation for their losses. Fasaad fi al-ardh: This is the second crime which is being applied for capital punishment. It means spreading mischief in the land. it can have many different meanings but it generally means those crimes that that affects the whole community and destabilizes the society. Crimes under this include the following: Homosexual behavior Terrorism Adultery Treason/ Apostasy (it means when one joins the enemy to fight against the Muslim community leaving faith) Land, sea and air privacy Rape There are various methods of Capital punishment like firing squad, stoning, beheading and hanging. One important thing to be noted is that in Islam there is no place for vigilantism- before the punishment is announced, one must properly convict in Islamic court of Law. Thus the court can order the punishments according to the case basis like prison sentences, imposing fines etc. Questions arise that are the people in favor of death penalty for a person who committed crime? The answer to this question is explained by the following graph. Trend: Are You in Favor of the Death Penalty for a Person Convicted of Murder? According to the recent data of October 2011, approximately 61% people are in favor of death penalty for the one who is convicted of murder, 35%people are against this and around 4% people have no opinion related to this. Conclusion: During the last few decades many studies have sought to find out whether death penalty has doubtful effector deterrent effect on the homicides rates. Researchers have found out the conclusions very widely. It is being concluded that a statement of an intention to punish or hurt deters murders, saving number of people whereas other studies concluded that there is an increase in homicides due to executions. Most of the people believe that there is no effect due to executions on murder rates. It is being concluded from the new report on Law and Justice from the committee i.e. the Death Penalty and the National Research Council Report Deterrence that research on effect of capital punishment on the homicide rates is useless to determine whether there is increase in death penalty, decrease in death penalty or has no effect on these rates. The major question arises whether capital punishment is more or less effective as a cause rather than the punishments like life without possibility of pa role is considered as sensible alternative to death penalty. Simply death penalty is societys way of concluding that an individual has a right to die for committing crime. Harsh punishments are given which are justified by the nature. If the person suffers penalty, it is desirable. Thus punishment is one of the legitimate purposes of criminal sanction.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Claudio Monteverdi :: Composers Renaissance Biographies Essays

Claudio Monteverdi Claudio Monteverdi was born on May 15, 1567, in Cremona Italy, Monteverdi was an Italian composer of the late Renaissance and the Early Baroque, and is known as the first great composer of the operas. Monteverdi is often view as a composer of the Renaissance and of the Baroque, there is a similar pattern in that is continuous that is often viewed through his work in both styles. Monteverdi often was known as a dramatic composer, while bringing a tremendous meaning from the text he set that often turned each of his pieces into a believable musical and also produced a dramatic statement. It was an early age when Monteverdi’s career began, he then published his first pieces, and this was based on as a collection of three-voice motets, at the age of fifteen. It was by 1591, when he went to Mantua as a musician for the Gonzaga court, by then he had already published books of â€Å"spiritual madrigals† in 1583, then another canzonettas in 1584, by 1587 and 1590 he published his first two books of â€Å"madrigals.† It was in Mantua he continued writing madrigals, and then in 1607 he produced his first work in the new genre of opera, the setting was of Orfeo. 1613, he was then appointed maestro di cappella at ST. Mark’s Cathedral which was held in Venice. Monteverdi had remained in Venice for the rest of his life, writing music in all different kinds of genres, including his final opera, â€Å"incoronaszione di Poppea in 1642. The style that Monteverdi intended to write in was called seconda prattica, this was a description that he used to separate himself for what was known as the more conservative tradition of Palestrina and his â€Å"Contemporaries.† The main starting point for Monteverdi was the always the words. Whatever his mood was at the time and what the words might suggest, and or whatever a one word needed to express, was mainly reflected on his music. Throughout the century, this was the basic idea of word content; this painting was used in madrigals through out the century. Due to the fact that his music expressed different moods of styles, for Monteverdi it was however isolated effect, and a guiding force. â€Å"This ideal permeated his madrigals and found new expression in the dramatic language or opera.† All Monteverdi’s techniques of work altogether made Monteverdi one of the expertise in the field of Western music.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Food can be significant in people’s lives

Food can be significant in people's lives' for many different reasons – comparison of texts from food anthology. Titus Andronicus and Grandpa's Soup By samiyarahman Both Titus Andronicus and Grandpa's soup serve the purpose of entertaining the reader in Juxtaposing ways. Titus Andronicus is illustrative of the alarming horror that certain types of cooking and food reinforce, whereas Grandpa's soup is representative of the warmth and affection that certain types of food and cooking can bring.Themes portrayed in these texts such as death, mortality, celebration, esperation, love and hate are looked at from completely different angles through the literary techniques displayed by both writers, which will be analyzed and discussed in this essay. First of all, the celebratory atmosphere created in both texts highlight the horror/ happiness. For example, in Titus Andronicus, ingredients of human flesh and bones are mixed to produce delightful dishes.Literally, this is gruesome and ch aotic but for the characters cooking these dishes it connotes a sense of victory over defeating their enemies and ridiculing them, which they then celebrate. Similarly, in Grandpa's Soup the ingredients are given a voice to, making them almost onomatopoeic for example, ‘hoch', ‘loch' and ‘och'. The rhythmic tone signifies togetherness and similarity between the words indicative of the togetherness and strong relationship the character has with her Grandpa.The repetition of these ingredients throughout the poem adds emphasis to this idea, it seems as if it was pouring out of her mind – this is also reflected through the character's voice because it doesn't seem to be limited to a form, the poem sprawls and is shaped by the speech, which reflects the Joy and elebration in the poem. Death and mortality are also common themes in these poems presented to us in two completely different ways. Ruthless cannibalism in Titus Andronicus versus natural death in Grandpa' s Soup: Titus very easily and by giving clear instructions orders on how to kill Chiron and Demetrius.This implies that if he so effortlessly does this he is not at all moved or disturbed by it and that it is completely normal to him. The silence and reaction of others around him show that they are also unaffected by it, which forces out an extremely shocking response from the reader. In contrast, Grandpa's Soup signifies that Grandpa's cooking provides her with genuine pleasure not Just contentment or satisfaction but something greater therefore she goes onto talk about her fear of losing him, which overcasts a melancholic shadow over the whole poem.The writer understands that death is a natural process that she cannot stop but she goes on to say how it will affect her living life as she will be emotionally torn apart and carry the burden of pain throughout with the absence of her Grandpa and his remedial soup. There is evidence of figurative language that is very effective in outl ining and omprehending the character's point of view in Grandpa's Soup for example the simile ‘like a rich island in the middle of the soup sea'. The hyperbole assists in getting her ideas across.Describing the soup as a sea represents the depth of the character's feelings associated with the soup, and her Grandpa. This is reinforced by the yearning that is evident through her language, for example ‘he knows I will grow and pine for it. I will fall ill and desperately need it' this could be seen as deep emotive language that shows her desperation and strong will to hold onto her Grandpa forever and the fact that she draws from the semantic field of health shows that the soup is so important to her it's like a cure or a medicine for all her illnesses.The desperate people that have no peace in Titus Andronicus are reflective of the fast pace of the poem and how quickly events unfold throughout the poem leaving the reader with no time to digest it. The Juxtaposition is evid ent in, Whereof their mother daintily hath fed, Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred' shows that she has done such a catastrophic deed but in a way that is not imaginable and omething she herself was unaware about. The adverb ‘daintily screams out the disgust.This technique achieves maximum impact because soft words are used to convey a very powerful, strong meaning completely alarming the reader because it is such an unnatural, unusual situation. Also, the conversational and chatty lexis rather than it makes as if all the gruesomeness is very common and there is nothing to be shocked about. Both writers use iambic pentameter giving the texts life and a certain personality. For example in Titus Andronicus the iambic pentameter assists in building tension, uspense and the stress.Furthermore, in Grandpa's Soup it would be appropriate to say it sounds like a heartbeat when read aloud illustrating the love and affection that resides in the poem. The role of women in Titus A ndronicus seems very minor. Rape is the stigma attached to Lavinia therefore it is believed that her life is no longer valuable or even useful which is why she is subject to death after she gets Justice. Titus uses the killing of Chiron and Demetrius as a Justification for killing Lavinia. Additionally, Tamora Just follows instructions even though she is the empress but has no real oice.On the other hand, in Grandpa's Soup, the whole poem is a female narrator expressing her feelings and having the most important place in the poem. In conclusion, it can be said that the themes of these texts are highly comparable because both texts possess the same themes, which are given a completely different light in each one. Titus Andronicus is accurately representative of its genre: a revenge tragedy and Grandpa's Soup gets across the idea that food can form and trigger memories that last a lifetime and the nostalgia allows us to reconnect with omeone that may be gone but still alive in our tho ughts.Titus Andronicus sticks closely to its fictional identity however Grandpa's Soup allows the reader to bring to lite real teelings that are relatable to a wide audience. On the contrary, it can be argued that even though we can closely relate to Grandpa's Soup rather than Titus Andronicus, the concentration of the themes in Titus Andronicus allows us to understand the real meanings of those more in it rather than in Grandpa's Soup. When analyzing the texts it is important to consider the purposes of the texts and oth texts fulfill their purpose to entertain to a large extent.The various techniques such as fgurative language, word choices, form, structure and sound patterning are used by Shakespeare and Kay to get across certain attitudes and values have been extremely successful in doing so. Additionally, the backgrounds of the writers and the eras they were writing in seem to have largely influenced these poems. For example Kay may be giving a personal account of her experienc es giving it a timeless quality whereas Shakespeare's motivation may have been what sold or was popular at the time to spectators.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Definition of Work in Physics

Definition of Work in Physics In  physics, work is defined as a  force  causing the movement- or displacement- of an object. In the case of a constant force, work is the scalar product of the force acting on an object and the displacement caused by that force. Though both force and displacement are vector quantities, work has no direction due to the nature of a scalar product (or dot product) in vector mathematics. This definition is consistent with the proper definition because a constant force integrates to merely the product of the force and distance. Read on to learn some real-life examples of work as well as how to calculate the amount of work being performed. Examples of Work There are many examples of work in everyday life.  The Physics Classroom  notes a few: a horse pulling a plow through the field; a father pushing a grocery cart down the aisle of a grocery store; a student lifting a backpack full of books upon her shoulder; a weightlifter lifting a barbell above his head; and an Olympian launching the shot-put. In general, for work to occur, a  force has to be exerted on an object causing it to move. So, a frustrated person pushing against a wall, only to exhaust himself, is not doing any work because the wall does not move. But, a book falling off a table and hitting the ground would be considered work, at least in terms of physics, because a force (gravity) acts on the book causing it to be displaced in a downward direction. Whats Not Work Interestingly, a waiter carrying a tray high above his head, supported by one arm, as he walks at a steady pace across a room, might think hes working hard. (He might even be perspiring.) But, by definition, he is not doing  any  work. True, the waiter is using force to push the tray above his head, and also true, the tray is moving across the room as the waiter walks. But, the force- the waiters lifting of the tray- does not cause the tray to move. To cause a displacement, there must be a component of force in the direction of the displacement, notes The Physics Classroom. Calculating Work The basic calculation of work is actually quite simple: W Fd Here, W stands for work, F is the force, and d represents displacement (or the distance the object travels).  Physics for Kids  gives this example problem: A baseball player throws a ball with a force of 10 Newtons. The ball travels 20 meters. What is the total work? To solve it, you first need to know that a Newton is  defined as the force necessary to provide a mass of 1  kilogram (2.2 pounds)  with an acceleration of 1  meter (1.1 yards) per second. A Newton  is generally abbreviated as N. So, use the formula: W Fd Thus: W 10 N * 20 meters (where the symbol * represents times) So: Work 200 joules A  joule,  a term used in physics, is equal to the  kinetic energy  of 1 kilogram moving  at 1 meter per second.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays

Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Sometimes universities and state colleges will attract high school graduates across state lines because certain schools better fit their personal academic plan, but the fearsome out-of-state tuition often repels a large chunk of student population who cannot afford the raised tuition price. Out of state tuition is more expensive because in-state residents fund state colleges through annual taxes, while non-residents do not. Out-of-state tuition should be lowered to help give all students more equal opportunities to attend a certain college of their choice, regardless of being a resident or not. Elevated tuition rates for non-residents could negatively affect both the school and its potential student opportunities High out-of-state tuition often can greatly hinder opportunities of graduating students that are seeking higher education. When a student considers universities they would like to attend, affordability of tuition rates becomes a huge factor in which schools they can go to. Often students have difficulty paying for residential tuition ND are forced to rely on student loans, financial aid, and scholarships. Occasionally, scholarships are the only components keeping some students on the track to higher education. Sometimes graduating high school students seek education out of their home state based on different factors; to find a better school elsewhere that better fits their needs, weather, population of city or town, crime rate, availability of public transportation, plans of where to live after graduation, and sometimes simply Just to get out of their home town. In a chart constructed by the U. S. Department of Education, the average differences of total residential and non-residential tuition costs between 2008 2010 are roughly a colossal $12,000, strictly from crossing over state lines (ONCE). With the exception of scholarships, being able to afford this much of a difference can be quite difficult for students and parents. Unfortunately, high prices like this could prevent a severe amount of people from attending a university out of their home state, possibly being detrimental to the future of graduating high school students. Sadly, tuition cost loud even prevent students from continuing education after high school. High out-of-state tuition costs could also leave students immersed in debt with loans and financial aid. Graduates of a university dont always immediately find a well-supporting Job, so debt can be become very difficult to pay off over time. With other expenses such as food, rental payments, car repairs and/or transportation, and other necessities, debt can leave a graduate broke and in desperate need of income to pay off what they owe. Not only does increased out-of-state tuition negatively affect students, but universities, private colleges, and even the state itself, too. Because high tuition could prevent non-residential students from attending a certain college, that school will have less students. This nears that there will be empty seats in the classroom and empty beds in dorms. When there are empty spaces anywhere at a college, the school is losing a significant volume of revenue for every student that does not attend their classes. Ultimately, this can cause a ripple effect where the school either needs to raise In-state talons, or rely even more on tax revenue Trot ten state, or else teen ill lose money, need to lower income of teachers, and reduce the quality of the school. In some cases across the U. S. The state has more public colleges and universities than its population can support. This also happens within declining college towns. When a state or town cannot support the colleges that reside within it, the college can do two things to stay afloat; increase tuition, or receive more taxes from the state, which is hard to achieve with recent educational budget cuts that are spreading across the country. This is another case of a ripple effect, where the population of th e own and surrounding areas will suffer because there are fewer students to move into town during school and after graduating. As a nation, we need more college graduates in order to stay competitive in the global economy, but if the costs keep on rising, especially at a time when family incomes are hurting, college will become increasingly unaffordable for the middle class. Education secretary Earn Duncan (Armor). As Duncan explains, high tuition prices can become prohibitively expensive for families and it will affect the economy dearly. Though lowering tuition seems like a great idea, raising state tuition is beneficial to the state and some say students are willing to pay what they believe their education is worth. Tuition elevated to a reasonable value could generate millions of dollars for the school; money that could be used to offset maintenance costs, raise employee income, and expand the university. At Kansas universities, tuition is $2,000 less for undergraduate students, as opposed to similar colleges around the country. If the out-of-state tuition was raised to the national average cost, the state could reduce up to $33 million more than usual (Carlson). Analyzing data is tricky to calculate when deciding appropriate tuition rates. Sometimes a raised tuition is necessary for certain colleges, but not most. Raised tuition for a college that does not necessarily prove to be worth it could cause even more students to be unable to attend that college, forcing the school to rely heavily on the students that do pay the higher price. Some will argue that out-of-state tuition should not be lowered because non- residents do not pay state taxes that support that school. Out-of-state tuition is meant to make up for all the lost tax revenue from non-residents that can greatly help fund the school. Families contribute state taxes to provide for surrounding colleges within state lines, so state colleges always have a way to receive funding, whether from out-of- state tuition or state resident taxes. Though there is a way for non-residential students to reduce their tuition based on several factors. It is possible to apply for qualifications to pay in-state tuition depending on location, whether the student lives in a border county, by receiving an athletic waiver, being a senior citizen, having capabilities, or acquiring an apprenticeship.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Capital Investment Decisions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Capital Investment Decisions - Assignment Example The stated aim of this recently introduced legislation is â€Å"to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end ‘too big to fail’, to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abuse financial services practices, and for other purposes† (GPO, n. d.). Even though this Act was passed with intent to protect the nation from another financial crisis, it adversely affects banks’ ability to extend financial assistance to various business sectors. This legislation noticeably reduces banks’ lending limits. For instance, the Act strictly requires banks not to lend money to risky projects or business organizations that are less likely to repay debts. Often, it cannot be possible to accurately evaluate the potentiality of capital projects or business acquisitions because those ventures depend on a set of uncertain future events. According to the American Bankers Association (2012), this Act has limited price thresholds for certain lending segments and framed new disclosure forms and procedures for all types of mortgages. As a result, large business corporations would face potential challenges in meeting business expansion needs timely. Another disappointing feature of this Act according to the American Bankers Association (2012) is that it has mandated many stronger legal liabilities in connection with real estate finance. Although these policy changes are effective to ensure the accountability and transparency of banking transactions, business houses often find it difficult to raise adequate funds to finance capital projects and acquisitions. Consequently, entrepreneurs and other business organizations would hesitate to undertake new business development ventures; and this situation would adversely affect the growth rate of the US economy as a whole. The Forbes writer Lenzner (2012) argues that the Dodd-Frank Act is a â₠¬Ëœconfused, bloated law’ because this policy change has failed to address many concerns including cost, efficiency, and growth. 2. No economic policy can assure 100 percent that it can prevent a financial crisis in the future. In contrast, economic policies or legislative amendments are introduced to lessen the chances of economic downturns or to reduce the impacts of a future financial crisis. The Act implies that the US economy has to make some regulatory changes in order to forecast and respond to the next crisis effectively. Hence, the Dodd-Frank Act itself says that it would not guarantee the prevention of a future financial crisis. The US policymakers hold the view that America’s largest financial firms represent some of the major huge pillars supporting the US economy. They point out that damages to these pillars during the 2008 global financial crisis worsened the economic status of the nation. It is identified that the increased governmental support persuaded these big companies to borrow cheaply and to take greater risks. In short, the â€Å"too big to fail’ status of those large financial companies can be considered as a major factor contributed to the recent recession. According to Will Melick, the Gensemer Professor of Economics (as cited in Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin (2012), the Dodd-Frank Act contains provisions for certain restrictions on financial firms’ operational activities in exchange for the protection from

Friday, November 1, 2019

Free Trade Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Free Trade - Article Example The problem with this type of outsourcing is that it can critically harm the domestic labor market. Ease of service outsourcing has made millions of domestic jobs vulnerable to being outsourced overseas (Wessel & Davis, 2007). The local labor market is likely to suffer shortage in labor supply as labor demand exacerbates. This scenario would likely trigger economic chaos in the affected economy. On the other hand, countries where most services are outsourced to would experience an influx, similarly causing economic imbalances in labor demand and supply. This type of outsourcing has its benefits too. The process keeps globalization running, thereby enhancing global interdependence in trade. Outsourcing along this line also creates opportunities for poor economic performers when they interact with tiger economies. To enhance competition along free trade and communication technology aspects, outsourcing practices should be subject to globally agreed upon regulation procedures. The flow of outsourced services should be controlled by taking into account the economic potential of all economies involved. This would ensure that the magnitude of outsourced services matches the economic potential of the destination country. All variables of free trade would also have to be factored in in enhancing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Implication of the growth of services sectors Essay

Implication of the growth of services sectors - Essay Example rvices based economy revolves around provision of services like transportation, distribution or transfer of goods and money from one point to another. In more concrete terms, the services sector includes things like the provision of insurance, banking, retail operation, information access and entertainment or leisure services. The services sector is strongly linked to the other two sectors, for example, the provision of public utilities like water and electricity is often considered a part of the services sector while the installation, creation and development of means to provide those services come from the industrial economy. Moreover, an industrial economy can only be developed if there is a food surplus in the agricultural sector of the same country. This is the reason that the normal economic progression of a nation might go from a complete dependence on agriculture, to a boost in industry and finally towards a service based economic system. Historically speaking, the UK holds the position of being the first country to develop and exist as a services based economic system (Wikipedia, 2006). While it took the British Empire a few centuries to develop a services economy (helped in no small part by the colonies), modern economies are developing a services sector much faster than England. India for instance, is moving towards a services based economy at a rapid pace while the industrialisation of India is slower than the growth of the services sector (Economist, 2006). However, the UK is much more interested in the services sector since more than 70% of the British economy is based in services which means any dip in the economic indicators there will have a drastic effect on the overall economic conditions of the country (Economist, 2005). Similarly, the growth potential of the economy in the services zone is stunted because marginal growth would not only be difficult, it would also mean that government resources are being utilised inefficiently if the same

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Tunnel Rats Essay Example for Free

The Tunnel Rats Essay INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was in January 1966 when one of the biggest intelligence coups of the war that time took place. While the soldiers or the â€Å"diggers† were doing a sweep of the â€Å"Iron Triangle† that was an area near Saigon they discovered a vast complex of tunnels.[1] This location was heavily guarded with armed protection and was restricted by the Viet Cong (VC). What they were about to find out was 60 feet into the ground of that perimeter would be the Viet Cong headquarters. [2]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When they arrived in Vietnam as part of the 1st Battalion of the 28th Infantry, 3rd Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division in January 7, 1966, they were called the â€Å"Big Red One† and were sent to engage in operation â€Å"Crimp.†[3] The mission was to search and destroy sweep the Viet Cong stationed in the Northwest of Saigon. Even as they were just landing, they could see from the air how there were groups of their men in trouble with small fire fights that made them quickly exit their helicopters to engage in battle and destroy the VC that had been attacking the soldiers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When they went inside the tree line that led to the locations were they saw some of the fights, they saw a large trench filled with nothing and no one. They did not know where the VCs went. Those they saw that were firing at the other soldiers just disappeared into thin air. They were gone, all of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The battalion moved forward to see large catches of rice and estimated the amount they saw were enough to feed a Regiment.   Even after a few days later, they saw foxholes, trenches and caves but there were no VC enemies to fight with. However, it was evident the United States casualties were still increasing because of sustained enemy sniper fire that basically came out of nowhere.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was already January 10th and they merely had a few glimpse of this enemy. Later that day, a radio report came out that elements from another brigade had made contact with the VC and found the same thing tunnels. VIETNAM WARFARE STATEGIES   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Later they would discover that the VC’s strategy was to strike unexpectedly and then slip away into the tunnels to avoid retaliation. Their strategy was concealment and was effective with their hit and run tactics.[4] Tunneling was the essential element in the VC strategy. It was the greatest element in the VC stationed in the area of Cu Chi, located north the South Vietnamese capital, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They used the tunnels for many functions. They attack American installations that were conveniently built right above them.[5] They took refuge in the tunnels when they felt threatened with annihilation. They used the tunnels to escape from threatened villages. The also used them to store war materials and to operate facilities like an underground hospital. The Americans never really discovered the full extent of the Viet Cong tunnel systems, but they gradually tried their best to develop tactics to counter attack the VCs and to use the complexities of the tunnels to their advantage.[6]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnels are now made into something like a Disney amusement park wherein tourists can take an hour bus ride from Ho Chi Minh to experience going into them. These tunnels used to be well hidden from American soldiers and reporters of the war but now it has brought tourism to the country. But along with the sights and the interesting experience, the war tactics and weapons the Viet Cong used were placed on display that serves as a reminded of their polished warfare strategies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Man traps made to kill were part of the display. When American soldiers would try to slip into the tunnels, Punjisticks or spears of bamboo with razor sharpness and covered with excrement or poison were the first things that greeted them.[7] The sticks pierced the legs and the torsos of the Americans. More brutal strategies were used as bear traps were also placed in the tunnel openings to amputate the feet of the soldiers as they go inside the tunnel. Like this was not enough protection, booby traps were also hung from the trees near the opening that would result to beheaded soldiers or amputated limbs.[8]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The VC did not even bury some of their casualties. The United States forces often buried their dead enemy to keep track of the extent of the casualties for the enemy. Tactical conditions from the Viet Congs would result to dead VCs lying around the tunnels for the tunnel rats to discover. In some cases, they would even pull the bodies of dead American soldiers in the tunnels for the soldiers to encounter. This was a strategy they used to unnerve and demoralize the U.S. troops that would come into the tunnels.[9] TUNNELS OF CU CHI   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Located just seventy-five kilometers northwest from the country’s capital Ho Chi Minh were the tunnels of Cu Chi. This district of Cu Chi was a major Viet Cong infiltration route that served as a trail towards the Ho Chi Minh.[10]   Situated above the ground of this perimeter was the station of the United States 25th Infantry Division.[11] Below them was the home of the 7th Viet Cong Regiment and other allied units. It was like sleeping with the enemy, only with them they were sleeping above the enemy, literally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnels were reported to be 250 kilometers long and most of the tunnels were located in Cu Chi. There were three levels to the VC tunnels. [12] In the first level, the opening was three meters deep. As one goes deeper into the tunnel, it would widen and be about six meters deep. The third level of the tunnels was eight meters below the ground. An Underground Battle Station   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the tunnels, it was like a whole word underground. There were kitchens, there was a hospital, and the officers’ quarters were there as well as a meeting room.[13] During that time the tunnels were almost inaccessible. It was hidden in a jungle-like area. During the war it was ravaged by a skin-burning chemical Agent Orange that was part of the American counterattack. Some tunnels were also too narrow for an overweight Westerner.[14]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnel system included different sizes of chambers, rest areas, weapons and ammunitions storage, kitchens, workshops, barracks room as well as rooms that housed the communication equipments.[15]   The kitchens was designed so well the smoke that could signal the Americans of their location were dispersed and dissipated into numerous pipes that would mislead anyone who would see it.[16]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnels of Cu Chi were the venue where the Viet Cong fighters and the American Tunnel Rats, as they call those brave enough to penetrate the tunnels, would go into hand-to-hand combat inside dark and dangerous subterranean and complex tunnels. These tunnels were where they fought to death using knives and pistols.[17] The Little IRT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnels of Cu Chi were known as the Little IRT. They were similar to the railway system in America with an interconnecting tunnel system that was in the northern section of Hau Nghia Province and in the southwester section of Binh Duong Province. The tunnels complexity connected hamlets, villages and provinces in the area. Originally it was dug up to be used to support the Viet Minh guerilla war against the French.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The American soldiers dubbed the tunnels the â€Å"little IRT† because of how similar it was to the New York City Subway. The complex tunnel system allowed for different levels in different locations that were interconnected by a series of â€Å"trap doors, channels, shafts, wells and communication tunnels.†[18] There connections from the tunnels to bunkers that was almost bombproof as well as to ground level bunkers. Tunnel Explorer, Locator Communicator System   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The TELACS was an experimental communications device system that the tunnel rats or the American soldiers used when they explored the enemy tunnel systems. It was a system that was composed of an earphone and a throat microphone for communications with the troops in the surface.[19]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was a flawed system because there was much voice distortion and there needed to be a large amount of wire that had to be dragged behind the explorer. It was a slow and inaccurate system. When it was tested in the year 1969, it was withdrawn.[20]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnel system proved to a sophisticated military tactic from the Viet Cong that may have been underestimated by the American troops. The genius of their strategies overwhelmed U.S. Forces until it came to the point that they decided to clear the tunnels of the VC. TUNNEL CLEARING   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the time when Ben Suc, Vietnam was depopulated American troops went on to clear out the tunnels of Cu Chi, looking for Viet Cong fighters. The army made use of large tanks with bull dozer blades as well as medium built soldiers that were known to be â€Å"tunnel rats† that went to uncover the underground city.[21] In the clearing process they found stoves, furniture, clothes for men and women, and essentially thousands of pages of important war documents. This major headquarters that the American command found brought them to explore further into the tunnels.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, during that time, a senior officer that was in-charge of exploring the tunnel was killed by one of the bloody booby traps. The U.S. army saw the danger of the situation and retreated from exploring the tunnels. Instead, they pumped tear gas into the tunnels as well as set off explosives.[22] The Americans thought this was the top headquarters for the Viet Cong, they miss the headquarters of the NLF that was several miles north that place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The U.S. used tons of artillery and bombs for every Viet Cong fighter. The Viet Cong manual even said that the U.S. had much superior weapons and strength compared to them on the battlefield. But they could not chase them as they always launched surprise attacks from their underground tunnels.[23]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The use of incendiary weapons that included the white phosphorous and the napalm was used vastly by the U.S. forces during this time. [24]This move has placed them in the center of condemnation.   Napalm was described to be a petroleum fuel that as very effective in the destruction of the enemies’ bunkers as well as the people inside them. White phosphorous was used to mark targets and to set fire to flammable ones. It has caused suffering that would tend to continue burning the skin long after the initial contact.[25] Used together with napalm would prove to be painfully lethal. The mortality rate from those who suffered from such weapons was high and there were deaths that arose from injuries where victims were too badly burnt to receive hospital treatment.[26] CS Gas was proficiently used in clearing the tunnel complexes that sifted the enemy soldiers as well as the large numbers of civilians who sought refuge in the tunnels.[27]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some antiwar critics of the U.S. Forces in the Vietnam claimed that America conducted a war of genocide in Vietnam because of the civilian casualties. However this was denied because the U.S. military strategy did not amount to having an official policy of genocide nor was it the intention of the government and the armed forces to wipe out any significant part of the Vietnamese civilians. TUNNEL RATS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the war trained special units were called tunnel rats. They were described to be â€Å"small, mean and crazy† as they actually went inside the tunnels and combated with Viet Congs they encountered while other units merely thrown explosives to clear the tunnels.[28] They were also known to be the â€Å"Tunnel Runners† by the 25th Infantry Division and â€Å"Ferrets† by the Australian Army. â€Å"Tunnel Rat† was their official accepted name.[29]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was during this time that the U.S. Army realized that it was short-sighted to destroy the tunnels by the bulldozers and the bombings. There would be a massive loss of vital intelligence if the plans and documents of the Viet Cong would be destroyed through their first strategy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was in 1965 when the 1st and 25th Infantry division organized specialized teams that had missions to search and explore the tunnels in the III Corp area.[30] The tunnel rats were not assigned; they were all volunteers and were armed only with a pistol or shotgun, a knife and a flashlight.[31] They infiltrated the tunnels with such minimal weapons where hundreds of VC might be hiding with their massive supply of weapons stored in the tunnels as well. Anyone who went into the tunnels was then dubbed as â€Å"Tunnel Exploration Personnels.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the tunnel rats descended into the tunnels they experience walking into a pitch black and claustrophobic pathway wherein they were playing a deadly game of hide and seek with the enemy Viet Cong. The sensitive probing of the floor, sides and roofs of the tunnels soon became second nature to the tunnel rat as he inched his way deeper into the tunnel complexes.[32] They carefully watched out for wires and tree roots that was irregular and could pass for booby trap that could blow them up to pieces or cut their limbs into pieces.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The entrances of the tunnels alone are usually mined or protected by concealed guards ready to fire upon entry. Sometimes, the unsuspecting tunnel rat can met the garrote or someone would cut his throat as he came up and pass by connecting trapdoors[33].   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aside from the VC booby traps were a whole breed of animals that resided in the dark confines of the tunnels.[34] There were bats that used the grounds during the daylight hours. Snakes were also encountered inside the tunnels. The Bamboo Viper and the Krait were the deadly snakes that can be found the VC tunnels. The Viet Cong would deliberately tether a snake in the tunnels to serve as a natural booby trap for the tunnel rats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The stress the tunnel rats undergo every time they went into the tunnel was unthinkable that pushed their mental state to its limits. They would crawl into the narrow, pitch black tunnels looking for a heavily armed enemy for hours to combat with. The idea was to find the VC first before he jumped on them to kill them. Sometimes the strain on the men’s nerves was too much to bear to the point wherein he had to be dragged from the tunnel screaming and crying.[35] When this occurs, they are not allowed to go into the tunnel ever again. There were no dead tunnel rats that were to be left inside the tunnel. Dead or wounded they were dragged out with wires, rope or by a comrade only to be taken out of the VC territory.[36] Weapons and Warfare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There was extensive use of the tunnel by the VC. The tunnel rats had to search and flush out the VC. Tunnel warfare then occurred between the VC and the U.S. Tunnel Rats.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The soldiers became used to tunnel welfare that they reveled in the opportunity to pursue a VC through the narrow passageways. It was not a work for someone with a faint heart as the danger of death was ever present underground were grenades would just pop through trapdoors and other forms of booby trap awaited.[37]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When a tunnel rat went in for tunnel warfare, the infantry basic load was kept to a minimal. His total lack of equipment to carry was a factor for the tunnel rat’s survival.[38] The pistols the tunnel rats carried where the .38 Smith and Wesson. Sometimes they would carry a 9mm German Luger.[39] Most of the tunnel rats agreed not to carry the Colt .45. It was too big of a weapon for the underground battle with a silencer. Without a silencer, it was too loud that the enemies from far away could know your location instantly while you are temporarily deafened by the shot. In tunnel warfare, the tunnel rats follow the golden rule that prohibits firing more than three shots underground without reloading.[40] If this does not happen, the VC could know that the tunnel rat is out of ammunition and could attack while they reload.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnel rats carried a standard Army issue flashlight and each member carried one. They practiced how they would carry the flashlight to prevent themselves from being lighted targets. They also practiced how to change batteries in pitch darkness by touch alone and how it can be done quickly.[41] CONCLUSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The tunnel rats were remembered to be one of the bravest in the American-Vietnam war. They did a job that not many wanted to do. In fact, not many dared to volunteer for this position. But they stepped up and made it a duty to their country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was not an easy job considering the highly sophisticated tunnel strategies that the Viet Cong implemented before the U.S. Army troops even discovered that they existed. They were in and out of a battle scene. They controlled the tempo of the battle because of their invisibility. Even when the tunnels were discovered, threats still turned on the American troops as it proved to be dangerous to explore the tunnels. Deadly booby traps such as land mines, sharp sticks and trapdoors overwhelmed the U.S. troops that may have underestimated the intelligence of the VC tactics. In the end much of the tunnels that were deeper into the complexes were remained uncovered and unexplored by the U.S. Army. This was a war rightfully won by the one who had the best strategies, the most ruthless approaches that surprised the nations of the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brown, Lousie. War and Aftermath in Vietnam. New York, Routledge, 1991. Clark, Gregory R. Words of the Vietnam War: The Slang, Jargon Abbreviations, Acronyms Nomenclature, Nicknames Pseudonyms, Slogans Specs, Euphemisms Double-Talk, Chants and Names and Places of the Era of United States Involvement in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC, McFarland, 1990. Mangolds, Tom. â€Å"Behind Enemy Lines a Nam Vet Returns; Tom Mangold Revisits the Terrifying Viet Cong Tunnels He Discovered as a Young War Reporter.And Finds Them Transformed into a Fascinating, Disney-Style Attraction†, The Mail on Sunday, 15 October 2006, 94. McGibbon, Ian. â€Å"The Tunnels of Cu Chi: A Remarkable Story of War in Vietnam†, New Zealand Internationa lReview, Vol. 31, No. 3 (2006): 29. Philbert, Robert E.   â€Å"Back to Nam†, Social Studies, Vol. 86, No. 1 (1995): 6. Schulzinger, Robert D. A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975. New York Oxford University Press, 1997. â€Å"Tunnel Rats.† Digger History, (2002). Available from, accessed on October 3, 2007.